Minutes of the Business Meeting

of May 7, 2013

I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:34 PM by Secretary Reed Ostrander.
Members attending: Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Reed Ostrander, Members: Chip Borona, Banks Edwards, Sean O'Brien, Art Sherman, Richard Simmons; Visitor: Ron Day.
A. Announcements:
   1. The next run session will be on at 6:00 PM, June 21 at Bill Little's. Bill will supply Franks and burgers to all members that inform him of their intention to attend.
   2. Steve will host a run session on the 28th at 6:00PM at Marie's. He will serve pizza to all who indicate they will attend.
   3. The next meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Trains by Johnson's on June 4, 2013.
   4. The next work session will be at 1:00PM at NAS, Building 648 on Friday, May 17, 2013.

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of April 2, 2013 were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander.
   1. Banks moved acceptance and was seconded by Art.
      a. The minutes were accepted as written.

C. The chair was cede to Steve when he arrived.

D. The treasurer's report was presented by Bill Little.
   1. As of this date there is $2211.42 in the treasury.
       a. Reed moved acceptance and was seconded by Banks.
       b. The report was accepted as presented.

E. Old Business
   1. Bill reiterated the need for members to answer and title email for the Club.
   2. Reed agreed to lay track on Bob Murphy's modules to speed up the anticipated first run of the refurbished layout.
   3. Sean discussed the circumstances of his discussions with Pensacola city official Reynolds re a possible site for a train show next year.
      a. Chip proposed a motion that we establish a committee to further the contact with the City re a site for a train show.
         1) The motion was seconded by Banks.
         2) The motion passed.
         3) Chip. Reed and Banks volunteered for service on the Train Show action Committee.

F. New Business
   1. Reed noted that Dan Hayden has invited mambers of the Club to visit his model railroad in Pace depicting the junction of the CNW and the Milwaukee in Nacedah, Wisconsin.
      a. The session will be on Thursday, May 23 at 6:30 PM (note time change) at Dan's home in Cobblestone, Pace. A description of directions to Dan's home are attached.
   2. Steve proposed that the Club establish a standing order for train sets for the Marines Toys for Tots drive. The number of sets will equal the number of members plus three to be purchased by the Club. The value of each set will not exceed $60.00 per set without further action by the Club.
      a. The motion was seconded by Banks.
      b. After further discussion the motion passed.
   3. Bill made a motion that the Club allow one Club owned Digitrax DT400r be used at his run sessions while the Club is not running the layout.
      a. The motion was seconded by Chip.
      b. The motion passed.
   4. Reed made a motion that Ronald Day be made a Club member in full standing after completing attendance at a total of three business or run sessions.
      a. Banks seconded the motion.
      b. The motion passed unanimously. Therefore Ronald Day is accepted as a full member of the PMRC HO Division.
G. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36PM

Respectfully Submitted by


 D. Reed Ostrander
PMRC HO Division

Home        Minutes

Directions to Dan Hayden's Home in Pace

1. Dan lives in the north end of Pace. The plan is to get on Woodbine Road north (rt. ) to Cobblestone Drive which will ba on your left about ^ miles north of US 90.

2. For those driving from Cantonment, get down to Nine Mile Road (US 90) and turn east.

3. Continue over the Escambia River bridge and proceed about 1+ miles to Woodbine Road (Rt. 187). There is a McDonald's on the left just before the first stoplight after the bridge at Woodbine. Turn left (north) and continue about 2^ miles to the Cobblestone entrance on the left. If you over-shoot you will shortly pass a Shell station at a stoplight and an intersection with route 184.

4. You will have to stop and identify yourself at the gate house and indicate you are visiting Dan Hayden at 3114 Cobblestone Drive. Their home is three stop signs, a small bridge and a turn up hill to the right ahead on the right.

5. For those journeying from western Pensacola get to I-10 your favorite way and exit at Scenic Highway just before the Escambia Bay bridge. Turn left (north) and continue and eventually merge in to US90 (Jine Mile Rd.). Then follow directions 1, 3 and 4 above.

6. For those traveling from the eastern side of Pensacola, I suggest Scenic Highway north to US 90 (Nine Mile Road/Pace Road) is probably the easiest way to get there. Then follow directions 1, 3 and 4 above.

Of course a Tom-Tom or ^ will also work.

Call me at 850 830-6331 if you have problems getting there.