Minutes of the Business Meeting

of September 4, 2012


I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:36 PM by President Chip Borona.

Members attending: President Chip Borona, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Secretary Reed Ostrander, Members: Tim Beers, Banks Edwards, Joe Garcia, Bob Murphy, Connor O'Brien, Art Sherman, Richard Simmons, Charles Tucker, Mike Wishnacht.


A. Announcements

   1. There will be a trailer loading session Thursday, September 6 at Bill's at 5:00PM.

   2. The next run session will be on at 6:00 PM at Marie's, September 18th.

   4. The next meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Trains by Johnson's on October 2, 2012.

   5. The Dothan show will set up at 12:00 PM Friday, September 14. The show will run 9:00AM to 5:00 PM Saturday and 10:00 AM to 4:00PM Sunday.

       Take down will be at 4:00 PM Sunday.


B. Minutes of the previous meeting of August 7, 2012 prepared by Chip Borona were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander.

   1. Banks moved acceptance and was seconded by Bob.

      a. The minutes were accepted as written.


C. The treasurer's report was presented by Chip Borona.

   1. As of this date there is $1717.03 in the treasury.

      a. Reed moved acceptance and was seconded by Bob.

      b. The report was accepted as presented.


D. Old Business

   1. President Chip reported that there was no progress on the roundhouse project.

   2. Bob indicated that he had not yet weighed a door type module base.

   3. Banks has drawn up an electrical schematic of the revised control cabinet with the new PM42 as installed.

      a. Chip is rendering the schematic on his computer.

      b. Chip, Bill and Banks went over the operation of the revised control cabinet.

   4. The red line control unit has not been returned from repair.

   5. Dothan trip.

      a. The following members will attend: Chip, Reed, Joe and Steve and will set up.

      b. The following members will probably attend Saturday: Tim, Sean, Connor.

      c. Steve has reserved 5 rooms for attendees.

      d. Bob will tow the trailer and may help take down

      e. Because there will only be four members to set up, it was moved (Steve, Tim) to reduce the layout to two sides modules and one end module

          including the bridge and no yard plus the corners.

      a) The motion passed.

      b) Reed will draw up the new layout for the show.

   6. The Flomaton show will be set up on September 28 and run and take down on the 29th.

      a. We will use the same layout as at Dothan.

      b. Reed, Chip, Banks and Joe will attend.

      c. Bob will drive the trailer.


E. New Business

   1. Reed asked for some discussion of what the aims of the member's are regarding the future plans of the Club.

      a. It was suggested that a permanent place to set up the layout might make for more interest. Modules could be removed for trips as needed.


F. The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by

 D. Reed Ostrander


PMRC HO Division


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