Minutes of the Business Meeting

of September 7, 2010


I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:38 PM by President Ron Hartman.

Members attending: President Ron Hartman, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Dennis McDermott, Secretary Reed Ostrander,

Members; Chip Borona, Banks Edwards, Marion Johnson, Bill Little, Bob Murphy, .

A. Announcements

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of August 3, 2010 were not available.

C. The treasurer’s report was presented by Dennis McDermott

    1. As of this date there is $1029.75 in the treasury.

    2. We still owe for the Club insurance and for the speedometers.

        a. There was no motion to accept.

D. Old Business

    1. Those agreeing to go to the Dothan show remain the same as the members listed in the notes of July 6, 2010.

        a. Set up will begin at noon on Sept. 17. Running will be 9:00AM to 5:00PM on Saturday (18th) and 10:00AM to 4:00PM Sunday (19th).

            Take down   will be Sunday at 4:00PM.

        b. Four motel rooms have been reserved for attendees.   

        c. Bob Murphy will take the trailer to Dothan.

E. New Business

1. The Interstate Fair will be October 21st to 31st.

    a. Set up will begin on Sunday Oct. 17th and continue each day until the opening day, Thursday, Oct. 21 at 4:00PM.

    b. Show hours are 4-10:00PM weekdays and 10:00AM to 10:00PM weekends.


2. The Club must submit a tax form to the IRS to maintain our tax-free status.

    a. The Treasurer will make the submission.


3. Election of officers will occur at the first meeting in December. Nominations will be accepted until the election date.


4. Work on the new speed recorders will take place in the first 2-3 weeks in October.

    a. Reed will order the units.


5. Reed made a motion to have each member donate a minimum of $10.00 or more to the Marine’s Toys for Tots program.

    The Club will match the member donations to a maximum of $200.00.

    a. The motion was seconded by Steve.

        1) The motion passed 8 for and 1 against.

    b. President Ron will inform the Marines that the donation will be made at the December meeting of the Club.

F. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20PM.


Respectfully Submitted by:

D. Reed Ostrander


PMRC HO Division


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