Minutes of the business meeting

of Sept. 15, 2009


I. The business meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM by President Ron Hartman.

Members attending: President Ron Hartman, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Dennis McDermott, Secretary Reed Ostrander, Members Banks Edwards, Bill Little, Bob Murphy, Jackie Nelson, Charles Tucker.

            A. Announcements

                        1. The next business meeting will be at Trains by Johnson at 6:30 PM, Oct. 6.

2. The next work session will be Heather’s (Ron’s daughter’s) at 2:00 PM, Oct. 10, 2009.

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of August 4, 2009 were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander.

                        1. Dennis moved acceptance and seconded by Bob.

                                    a. The minutes were accepted as written.

            C. The treasurer’s report was presented by Dennis McDermott

                        1. As of this date there is $1361.16 in the treasury.

2. Donations were made in the name of Dennis’ and Reed’s wives to the American Diabetes Association.

3. Dennis read a thank you note from Reed to the Club for the donation and Dennis also thanked the Club for the donation in his wife’s name.

                                    a.  It was moved and seconded to accept the report.

                                    b. The report was accepted as presented.

            D. Old Business

                        1. Those going to Dothan include Ron, Steve, Reed, Bob and Chip.

2. New Club shirts may need to be a bit different due to unavailability of the previously used style of shirts.

                        3. Fair set-up will begin Monday, October 19th. The fair begins Oct. 22nd.

                                    a. Ron will supply parking permits.

            E. New Business

                        1. The officers elections chairman will be Marion.

                                    a. Please let Ron or Marion know if you wish to run.

                        2. The last meeting of the year will be December 1st.

                                    a. This will be the elections meeting.

                        3. The first meeting of 2010 will be January 5.

                        4. Save the first week in December for a Christmas dinner at Zia’s.

5. Bill suggested that all rolling stock and engines used at shows be labeled with the owner’s name.

                                    a. The motion failed for lack of a second.

            F. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.

Respectfully Submitted by  D. Reed Ostrander

            Secretary, PMRC HO Division


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