Minutes of the Business Meeting

of October 2, 2012

I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by President Chip Borona.
     Officers attending: President Chip Borona, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Secretary Reed Ostrander,

      Members: Chip Borona, Banks Edwards, Joe Garcia, Bob Murphy, Connor O'Brien, Sean O'Brien, Art Sherman, Charles Tucker, Mike Wishnacht;
    Visitors: Tom Jeter, Linda Mills.

A. Announcements
   1. The next run session will be on October 9th at 6:30 PM at Bill's (see item E.1. below).
   2. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Bill's on November 5, 2012.
   3. The Interstate Fair will begin October 18th and set up starts Oct. 14th (See item D.4. below).

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of September 4, 2012 were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander.
   1. Steve moved acceptance and was seconded by Banks.
      a. The minutes were accepted as written.

C. The treasurer's report was presented by Chip Borona.
   1. As of this date there is $1665.65 in the treasury.
   2. We received $125.00 from the Dothan show.
   3. About $240.00 in dues are outstanding.
      a. Charles moved acceptance and was seconded by Joe.
      b. The report was accepted as presented.

D. Old Business
1. Progress on the roundhouse will be resumed after the fair.
   2. The DC base unit is still not back from repair.
      a. An additional DC base unit has been found in the cabinet supplies and may work for the fair. It needs to be checked out.
   3. Layout power control and set-up:
      a. Power distribution in cabinet must be corrected.
      b. A document describing power and bridge set up procedures is needed and should be ready for the fair.
   4. Chip announced that he obtained 16 parking passes for the fair. Eight are VIP and 8 are free parking in large lot only.
      a. Passes will be distributed to members based on work time during set up.
         1) Bob and Art said will pick up the parking passes from the fair offices. They should call ahead.
      b. Interstate Fair schedule:
         1) Set up October 14-17. Sunday the 14th at 1:00PM, other days as time available. Have to be ready October 18th at 4:00PM.
         2) Track ends were damaged on the woodland corner and lumber mill modules and need repair.
         3) Run times October 18 - 27: week days 4:00PM to 10:00PM; weekends 10:00AM to 10:00PM. Doors open only at indicated start times.
         4) All time slots must be covered. Chip will pass around a time schedule for all run days. Please sign up for times you can cover. Reed and Bob will make sure weekend days are covered. The schedule will be available at set up and each run day.

      c. We will go large layout at the fair - 4 long and 3 wide plus corner modules and the yard.
         1) Yard modules must be put on the trailer.
         2) We will use Bob and Tim's modules for one side of the layout.
         3) There will be a new power set up direct to the yard from the cabinet to isolate the yard and possible shorts thereon from the rest of the layout. Addendum to power set up sheet will be added for yard power set up.

E. New Business
1. There will be a run session at Bill's on October 9th at his home at 6:00PM. Call Bill for directions.
   2. Steve will look into a place for a Holiday dinner in December.
   3. Chip welcomed visitors Tom and Linda and thanked them for attending.

F. The meeting was adjourned at 7:33PM

Respectfully Submitted by

D. Reed Ostrander
PMRC HO Division


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