Minutes of the Business Meeting

 October 6, 2015


The minutes were amended at the November 3, 2015 meeting. Changes are shown in blue.


The business meeting was called to order at 6:23 PM by President Reed Ostrander.

Officers attending: Secretary Chip Borona.  Members: Jerry Dupont, Banks Edwards, Sean O'Brien, Rick Simmons, Charles Tucker, Donnie Dixon.  There were no guests in attendance.


I. Reading of the Minutes

     A. The minutes of the previous meeting September 1st were read by Secretary Chip Borona.

          a.   The approval of the minutes were moved by Banks, seconded by Sean and approved by the membership.


II. Treasurer’s Report

     A.     The Treasurer’s report was emailed to the club by Bill Little reporting that the current balance was approximately $350.

          a.       With the Club’s insurance due at $350, we are currently without funds.

         b.      The approval of the report was moved by Banks, seconded by Sean and approved by the membership.


III. Announcements

     A.     The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Bill’s Train Shed on Tuesday November 3rd 2015.

          a.       Members can arrive at 5:30 PM to grill and eat dinner, then to stay after the meeting to run trains.  Bill will leave the gate on the side street open.

     B.     The next run session will be at Bill’s Train Shed, Tuesday October 13th at 6:00 PM.

          a.       Members can arrive at 5:30 PM to grill and eat dinner, before running trains. Bill will leave the gate on the side street open.

     C.     An Old Fashioned Tailgate Swap Meet will on Saturday October 17th from 8am to 11am at the West Florida Railroad Museum; 5003 Henry Street; Milton FL.

         a.       Get there early and bring lots of cash.  There are always good deals to be had and the opportunity to hang out in the caboose or dining car!


IV. Old Business

     A.     Status of the roundhouse module construction.

         a.       Banks and Jerry continue to complete the wiring for the mainline tracks. 

                         1) The plan is to have the main lines functional for the Fair with the module populated with trains and cars. 

                         2) The buildings will be placed on the module and information “tent cards” placed to explain to the general public the various facilities.

         b.       There will be work sessions for the next two Saturdays at Jerry’s at 8:30am to paint the Roundhouse and work on the yard throat.

         c.       The Engine Service Modules will be transported by van and truck wrapped in shipping blankets.

                                                   1)    Chip will provide the Shipping blankets.

B.     Train Show Debriefs

          a.    Dothan Train Show

                                                               i.      Setup this year was 16ft by16ft

                                                             ii.      This year the Club had plenty of help and assembly went smoothly.

                                                            iii.      We had the layout up in running in about 3.5 hours.

                                                           iv.      Many thanks to those that came over and went home on the same day, both on Friday and on Sunday

          b.    Flomaton Railroad Junction Day

                                                               i.      Charles supported the event with his 4x8 European Christmas layout.

                                                             ii.      There was difficulty in getting through the single wide door, but once in, the event went smoothly. Charles mentioned that the layout could handle up to 5 members working various portions of the layout.

                                                            iii.      Tippy Wagner is looking to secure our participation for next year and mentioned that he would make it worth our while with a cash donation. 

          c.    Mobile Train Show

                                                               i.      Setup and takedown was the same as Dothan and again went together smoothly.

                                                             ii.      There was a lack of public attendance both days.

                                                            iii.      Trains by Johnson and Tucker’s Train Supply were the only major vendors and the other small vendors sold mostly Lionel.


V. New Business

     A.     Presentation subjects for November and December’s meeting.

          a.  Jerry will rescheduled his workshop on installing decoders. 

     B.     Christmas get together with our sister N-Scale Division.

          a.       Date, location and time to be determined. 

     C.     Pensacola Interstate Fair this year is Thursday October 22nd to Saturday October 31st.

          a.       Setup will start on Sunday October18th about 12 noon at the Fairgrounds.

         b.       Setup will continue on Monday October 19th through Wednesday 21st. Time’s yet to be determined.  Members will be kept posted by email.

          c.       Chip will verify with the Fair about parking passes and insure we can get into the building on Sunday

     D.     Pensacola Train Show hosted by the PMRC N-Scale Division will be Saturday November 21st and Sunday the 22nd at the Hadji Shrine Temple.

          a.       Setup is on Friday November 20th.  Time to be determined.

     E.      There will be no setup for the Campfire Kids this year as they do not have space for our participation.

     F.      NAS Children’s Christmas Party is yet to be determined.

          a.       Sean will be the point of contact with the Navy.

          b.       We will be using Charles 4x8 layout for fast setup and take down.


VI. Club Welfare

     A.     Steve’s mother-in-law, Marie is in the hospital as a result of a serious trip and fall.

          a.       Banks will obtain a get well card for the Club to assign.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by

Stephen “Chip” Borona

Secretary PMRC HO Division


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