Minutes of the Business Meeting

7 November 2017


I. Opening

A. The meeting was called to order at 6:29 pm by Vice President Officers present were Steve Grenot and Treasurer Bill Little.

Members present were Richard Simmons, Howard Cowgill, Jerry DuPont and Charles Tucker.


B. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Bill Little. With the correction that Bill would be present on Friday and Saturday for the Hadj show, the minutes were approved by the membership. Charles Tucker moved and Jerry seconded the motion that the minutes be approved.


C. The treasurers report was made by Bill Little. The balance was $1099.84 before 12 train sets were bought for $767.59 leaving a temporary balance of $ 332.25. 11 train sets are accounted for and members will soon remit funds to cover the cost. Over $55 was collected in donations at the fair. With some change and a bit more, Bill purchased a table for the club. The insurance was paid last year for two years.  Charles moved and Jerry seconded that the treasurers report be approved and it was approved by the membership.


D. The next business meeting will be ld on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at Bills Train Shed at 6:30 pm.


E. The next run session will be Tuesday, November 14.


II. Old Business

A. The Train Fest will be December 2 and 3 with set up on Friday, December 1 at 12:00 noon.  Load master on Friday will be Bill Little and on Sunday will be Sean. We will not use the engine service modules.


B. Fair Evaluation: needed more help- had to use the N-Gaugers twice.


C. NAS Childrens Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 2 1200-1600. This is complicated but it can be done. We will use Tuckers 4X8 and take it to NAS on Friday morning. If Banks can transport the layout, that will be best, if not Bill Little said he could. This will allow all hands to help set up the big layout at 1200 at the Hadji. Charles friend, Bob Malcomson will be out of town and Charles is committed to music at St. Christophers church 0900-1200. Jerry will come to the base to run until Charles can join him.


III. New Business

A. Elections of officers for 2018-nominations are open until December 5 on which date the voting will be held. Nominations were made as follows:

President: Charles Tucker

Vice President: Steve Grenot

Secretary: Chip Barona

Treasurer: Bill Little


B. New officers will take office in January 2018.


IV Club Welfare:

            We wish Chip a speedy recovery!


The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.


Minutes taken and submitted by Charles Tucker.