Minutes of the Business Meeting

November 1, 2016 

The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Reed Ostrander

     Officers attending were President Reed Ostrander, Vice-President Steve Grenot, Secretary Chip Borona and Treasurer Bill Little.

     Members attending were Howard Cowgill, Banks Edwards, Doug Fountain, Sean O'Brien, Rick Simmons and Charles Tucker

I. Reading of the Minutes

A. The minutes of last month’s meeting were read by Chip.

  1. The approval of the minutes, with corrections was moved by Charles, seconded by Steve and approved by the membership.

II. Treasurer’s Report

  1. The Treasurer’s report was read to the club by Bill reporting that the current balance is $850.16.

    1. The following expenditures were reported:

      1. $350 Club Insurance

      2. $17 reimbursement to Banks for supplies

      3. $41 gas for Dothan & Flomaton

    2. The approval of the report was moved by Banks, seconded by Rick and approved by the membership.

III. Announcements

  1. The next Business Meeting will be held at 6:30 pm at Bill’s Train Shed on Tuesday Dec. 6th.

    1. Members can arrive at 5:30 pm to grill and eat dinner, then to stay after the meeting to run trains. Bill encourages all members to use the gate on the side street and disabled members can use the gate at the front of the house.

  2. The next Run Session will be held at 6:00pm at Bill’s Train Shed on November 15th.

    1. Hot Dogs & Hamburgers & the trimmings will be provided.

    2. You can also bring your own food to grill, a cover dish or desert. There will be drinks or BYOB.

    3. Bill encourages all members to use the gate on the side street.

    4. Disabled members can use the side gate at the front of the house.

  3. The next Train Show will be the Pensacola Railfest 2016 at the Hadji Shrine in Pensacola.

    1. Show dates are Saturday November 19th & Sunday November 20th.

    2. Layout coordinator will be Reed

    3. Load master will be Sean

    4. Train Show Information:

      1. Setup on Friday Nov. 18th at 12:00 noon

      2. Run times on Saturday Nov. 19th will be from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

      3. Run Times on Sunday Nov. 20th will be from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

      4. Take down on Sunday Nov. 20th at 4:00 pm.

IV. Old Business

  1. Nominations for officers to serve in 2017

    1. President Reed Ostrander

    2. Vice-President Steve Grenot

    3. Secretary Chip Borona

    4. Treasurer Bill Little

  1. Banks made the motion to accept the slate as presented, Doug seconded and the motion was approved by the membership.

  1. Evaluation of Interstate Fair

    1. Although we had three days to make necessary repairs and improvements to the trackwork and layout, it took about an extra half day to make the final adjustments on Thursday, the opening day. Still we did have situations of continuous operation when suddenly there would be a derailment.

    2. The turntable still was not operable for the 10 days of the Fair. Neither were we able to demonstrate to the public how servicing could be done for steam or diesel engines.

    3. It was observed that public attendance was down this year.

    4. This year members would leave their equipment out in the Yard which hindered other members in setting up to run. It was suggested that at the end of the night, unless you are going to run first thing in the morning, please pack up your equipment as a courtesy to members getting ready to run .

    5. Chip mentioned that an auxiliary fiddle yard extension module could be added to the Engine Service Module to take pressure off the main Yard when a large number of members are getting ready to run trains.

    6. Reed’s Halloween module brought favorable comments from the public.

  2. Status of Engine Service Module

    1. Getting the turntable to operate

    2. Modify the transport cart to better support the tables.

    3. Complete remaining building and structures

    4. Begin scenery

  3. NAS Children’s Christmas Party

    1. The dates for the Party are TBD (possible 17-Dec.) at this time

    2. We will meet at the Main Gate at 3PM.

      1. Take care of the heightened security on the NAS.

    3. The Club will again use Charles 4x8 layout

    4. Members to attend:

      1. Reed, Bill, Chip, Charles and Banks.

      2. Banks will make his truck available to bring the layout to the hanger.

      3. Sean will bring his DCC Commander 2000

  4. PMRC Constitution revision’s

    1. Because of the uncertainty of the reasons for the proposed changes, Reed will request an Exective Board Meeting to resolve the changes.

    2. The MoM can be brought back and read to the members of the HO Division to make a more informed decision.

    3. Charles, Banks and Chip all expressed interest at attending.

V. New Business

  1. New Club Projects for 2017

    1. Complete the Roundhouse module

      1. Track improvements and repairs

      2. Also see above, Section IV.C. Status of Engine Service Module

    2. Yard Modules

      1. Replace two turn outs from the mail lines

      2. Throat radius into the yard

      3. Yard Track

    3. Complete the Farmhouse module

  2. Spring and Summer Projects

    1. Charles has three 3’x6’ modules that build up into a seaport.

    2. A 3’x2’ extension would need to be made to expand into a 3’x20’ seaport.

      1. P.S. … the 20 foot length is divisible by 4 feet yielding five 4 foot sections.

  3. 2017 Foley Model Train Show

    1. This show which was held in March 2016 has been canceled.

  4. 2017 Tallahassee Train Show

    1. We have an opportunity to participate in the June Tallahassee Train Show

  5. Increasing the annual and monthly dues was discussed

    1. Charles made a motion to restore the dues to $10/month or $100/year if paid in full before April 1st.

      1. Seconded by Rick and approved by the members.

  6. The 2017 NMRA yearly convention will be in Orlando.

    1. July 30, 2017 - August 6, 2017

    2. The Rosen Plaza Hotel International Drive Orlando, FL.

  7. 2017 SER Convention - Crossroads of Dixie

    1. Hosted by the Steel City Division

    2. Bessemer Civic Center June 9 - 10, 2017

    3. Bessemer AL (just SW of Birmingham AL, off I-20)

  8. Charles has requested that more respect be given to members when speaking and expressing their points of view during the meeting.

VI. Club Welfare

  1. The club had nothing to report.

Banks made the motion to end the meeting. It was seconded by Doug and approved by all present. The meeting was adjourned at 7:56pm

Respectfully Submitted by

Stephen “Chip” Borona

Secretary PMRC HO Division


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