Minutes of the Business Meeting

November 4, 2019

I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Charles Tucker.

            Members attending: President Charles Tucker, Vice President Jerry DuPont, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Reed Ostrander. Members: Chip Borona, Howard Cowgill, Banks Edwards, Steve Grenot, Dustin Kelmer, Chuck Mudford, Sean O’Brien, Richard Simmons; Visitor: Lenny Seidman,

            A. Announcements

1. The next work/run sessions will be at 2:30 PM at the Clubhouse. Grill on at 5:00 pm. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.

2. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at the Clubhouse on December 2, 2019. Grill on at 5:30 pm. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.

3. The next work/run sessions will be on November 11, 18 and 25, 2019 (also see A.1.).

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of October 1, 2019 were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander.

                        1.  Steve moved acceptance and was seconded by Banks.

                                    a. The minutes were accepted as written.

            C. The treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little.

                        1. As of this date there is $804.72 in the treasury.

                        2. The Christmas trains will be $95.00 per set.

                                    a. Steve moved acceptance of the report and was seconded by Rick.

                                    b. The report was accepted as presented.

            D. Old Business

                        1. President Charles thanked all members that worked on the Interstate Fair event.

2. President Charles thanked Chuck, Jerry and Reed for their continuing work on the roundhouse modules.

3. President Charles thanked Bill for setting up the Toys-for-Tots train set purchases (also see C.2. above).

4. The Zephyr controller for the roundhouse modules appears to not be working. Chuck will take it home and test it on a separate system (this testing indicated that the Zephyr is operating properly).

5. Steve made a motion to purchase a new Zephyr if the present one is not working. Chuck will also check with Digitrax to determine if our Zephyr model is repairable (it is repairable).

                                    a. The motion was seconded by Banks.

                                    b. The motion passed.

6. The TrainFest set up will be December 6 at 12:00 pm. Run Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Run Sunday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Take down Saturday at 4:00 pm.

                                    a. The TrainFest layout will be 28 x 20 ft. plus rope line.

                                    b. It was decided not to take the roundhouse.

                                    c. Eight members will attend the TrainFest all days.  Additional members will attend one or more days


.           E. New business

1. Officer elections for 2020 will be held at the December 2, 2019 business meeting.

                                    a. Rick nominated the present officers for reelection.

1) Vice President Jerry declined the nomination due to competing responsibilities.

                                                2) Steve volunteered to serve as Vice President.

3) The slate of officers for 2020 as of November 4, 2019 is as follows:

                                                            a) President - Charles Tucker

                                                            b) Vice Presiden - Steve Grenot

                                                            d) Treasurer - Bill Little

                                                            e) Secretary - Reed Ostrander

4) Nominations remain open for all 2020 officer positions until December 2, 2019.           

2. Bill made a motion to buy 4 more folding chairs for the Clubhouse to serve new members and visitors.

                                    a. The motion was seconded by Banks.

                                    b. The motion passed.

3. Bill made a motion to have the Club pay for any overages due to the commitment to buy six train sets from Tucker’s Trains. Not all were subscribed by members.

                                    a. The motion was seconded by Banks.

                                    b. The motion passed.

4. Charles proposed that we work on the gasohol modules trackage to get it operating. It needs track alignment and revised electrical connections.

            F. Good and welfare:

                        1. Chip discussed his health status.

                                    a. Internal bleeding has required transfusions.

b. He will undergo surgery December 5 to rectify recurring cancer in the pancreas and spleen.

                                    c. He will miss the TrainFest as a result of the surgery.

                                    d. The Club offers Chip the very best with his surgery and recovery.

                        2. Steve has a series of photos on Facebook showing our run at the Interstate Fair.

3. Sean’s oldest son has graduated from Lousiana Tech University with various air certifications and his wings. He is working on his multi engine certification.

                                    a. Congratulations.

                        4. Sean’s second son will graduate from Washington High School this year.

a. His football team is undefeated at this point and he will going to post-season tournament .

5. Sean’s third son is doing well after a prolonged hospital stay and is in a recovery center.

            G. The meeting was adjourned at 7:29 pm.


Submitted by:

R. Ostrander
