Minutes of the Business Meeting
November 5, 2018
I. The business meeting
was called to order at 6:32 PM by President Charles Tucker.
Members attending:
President Charles Tucker,, Treasurer Bill Little. Members: Howard Cowgill, Banks
Edwards, Jacob Navarro, Reed Ostrander, Richard Simmons; Visitor: .
A. Announcements
1. The next run sessions
will be at 6:00 PM on November 12 and 26 . Grill on at 5:30 pm. Inform Bill if
you intend to eat.
2. The next business
meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Bill Little’s Train Shed on December 3, 2018.
Grill on at 5:30 pm. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.
3. The next work session
will be at 2:00 PM on November 9, to look for short on roundhouse modules.
B. Minutes of the
previous meeting of October 1, 2018 were not available.
C. The treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little.
1. As of this date there is $561.89 in the treasury.
a. Major outlays for the month were
1) Insurance - $328.44;
2) New Digitrax DB240 - $262.00;
b. The Club books were
reviewed by a qualified accountant and found substantially correct.
D. Old Business
1. Fair Report
a. Thanks to Reed and Jerry for covering much of the fair.
b. Set up and take down went well.
c. Reed and Jerry
repaired scenery and installed a new curved turnout
accessing the cement plant siding. Turnout was made by Jerry.
d. Track end on sawmill module needs replacing.
e. Faulty electrical
roller switch was replaced on bridge. Light will be installed under bridge to
facilitate repairs.
E. New Business
1. A special meeting was
called at the fair to take up question of purchasing a new Digitrax DB240 to
replace the Club’s old and failing DS150.
a. Reed proposed that the
Club purchase a new base unit from Terry Tucker for $262.00. This action was
taken at the fair.
1) The proposal was
seconded by Jerry. The proposal passed (see item IC1a2) above) and the unit was
installed in the power cabinet.
2. Elections for officers for 2019 at December 2018 meeting:
a. Nominations for officers:, open until December 2018 meeting.
1) President - Charles Tucker
2) Vice president - Steve Grenot
3) Treasurer - Bill Little
4) Secretary - open
3. Reed moved that the
Club purchase two new Peco double slip switches to replace the failing units on
the roundhouse modules.
a. The motion was seconded by Rich.
1) The motion passed.
4. Upcoming train shows
a. Railfest Pensacola
1) Set up November 30.
Run December 1 and 2. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
b. NAS Christmas show - request Sean to make contact.
c. Ronald McDonald house
- take Christmas modules over after Railfest take- down.
1) Located across from Mellow Mushroom on Bayou Boulevard.
d. Mobile show at Via Health Center - March 16 1nd 17. Set up March 15.
e. Dothan - first weekend in September.
5. Reed moved that the
Club purchase the remaining two train sets and pass them on the Marine’s Toys
for Tots 2018 drive.
a The motion was seconded by Howard.
b. The motion passed.
F. The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 PM
Respectfully Submitted by
D. Reed Ostrander
Secretary Pro Tem
PMRC HO Division