Minutes of Business Meeting
10 November 2014
A. Members in attendance: Reed Ostrander, Bill Little, Steve Grenot, Charles
Tucker, Banks Edwards, Jerry Dupont, Rick Simmons .
Visitor: Donnie Dixon. Meeting called to order at 6:33 p.m.
B. The minutes of the prior meeting of 6 October 2014 were read by Charles
Tucker, in Chip's absence. Banks moved acceptance, Bill seconded, motion carried
by unanimous consent
C. The Treasurer's report was presented by Bill Little, Treasurer: there is
presently $830.11 in the club's account. Large expenditures during the prior
month included $335 for
insurance, $136 for buildings for the roundhouse module, $20 for batteries, $73
for Dothan expenses, and $108 for track for the roundhouse module.
D. Announcements:
1. The next meeting will be at Bill's Train Shed on 1
December 2014 at 6:30 p.m.
2. Next run session will be the Campfire Kids show.
3. Campfire Kids Christmas Tree Auction show:
a. Friday set-up at Hadji Temple at
1:00 p.m., 14 November 2014
b. Run Saturday only from 10:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m., 15 November 2014
c. Take-down at 1:00 p.m. Sunday, 16
November 2014.
4. PMRC Hadji Show:
a. Set-up Friday, 21 November 2014 a 11:00
a.m. Use Fair/Dothan layout.
b. Run Saturday, 22 November 2014 from 9:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
c. Run Sunday, 23 November 2014 from 10:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
d. Take-down: Sunday 23 November 2014 at
4:00 p.m.
E. Old Business:
1. Trailer to Hadji for Campfire Kids show: Banks as
a. Attendees: Reed, Jerry, Rick,
2. Trailer to Hadji for PMRC show: Jerry as loadmaster
a. Attendees: Reed, Jerry, Bill,
Banks, Charles, hopefully Chip and Sean!
3. NAS Kids show - no new information; however, there were
indications of a positive response if asked!
4. Progress on roundhouse:
a. Chip sent a progress report the
following Walther's building kits have been purchased:
(a) One 3-stall modern roundhouse (933-2900)
(b) Two 3-stall modern roundhouse additions (933-2901)
(c) One machine shop (933-2902)
(2) With the
130-foot turntable in hand, "we now have all the parts to complete the module
and begin installing the roundhouse and turntable.
b. Bill noted that he had purchased a box
of track for the Roundhouse Module.
c. It was noted that the final decision on
the track layout has not been made.
The final decision on the plan for the Roundhouse Module would be put off until after the Christmas holiday.
This would allow Bill to get his revised layout functional and let him remove the old layout table so that working space for the
Roundhouse Module could be generated.
5. Decals for the trailer:
a. Chip reported that the costs for a full
wrap of the trailer would cost about $2500.
b. This was noted as being far beyond our
financial means.
c. It was been proposed that the current
lettering be removed and replaced with the current URL for the club web page.
Additionally, Steve will look into the cost of printing a 30 inch by 40 inch photograph that could be mounted on the sides of the trailer.
Reed put forward an idea of a similar photograph, but larger, of the end of a
caboose mounted the the rear door/ramp.
F. New Business:
1. Reed will be designing and building a new module this spring
that will allow the interchange of scenic drop-in dioramas that would be
seasonally decorated.
The work on this module is open for assistance to who anyone wishes to offer.
2. There will be no Christmas dinner this year.
3. The motion was made to purchase 6 new vise-grip welders pliers
for clamps. Banks proposed, Bill seconded, passed unanimously.
4. Motion was made to purchase rechargeable 9-volt batteries with a
suitable charger. Motion tabled pending acquisition of costs.
5. Elections:
a. Banks moved that the current slate of
officers be retained. Bill seconded. After discussion, the motion was modified
to place all
current officers in nomination for their current position and was accepted. It was noted that if anyone wishes to be considered for
one of the officer positions within the club, they may place themselves on the
ballot by notifying Reed.
b. Voting for 2015's officers will be at the
December meeting.
G. Club welfare: Noted that there are currently no known requirements.
H. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
H Banks Edwards, Jr
by direction