Minutes of the Business Meeting

May 5, 2015


Attendance: President Reed Ostrander, Treasurer Bill Little, Sean O'Brien, Banks Edwards, Rick Simmons, Jerry Dupont. Meeting opened at 6:32 p.m.


I. Minutes of the previous meeting- Read by Banks. Moved for approval as read by Bill, seconded by Rick. Approved unanimously.


II. Treasurer’s report Current balance $1328.45.


III. Announcements

        A. Next meeting

1. The next business meeting will be at 6:30 PM at Bill’s train shed on June 2, 2015.

        B. Next run session: 19 May 2015 at Bill's Train Shed. Grill opens at 5:30 p.m., run starts at 6:00 p.m.


IV. Old business

        A. Status of round house module

                1. Electrical considerations (read note of 4-25-15)

                2. Turnout control options

        B. Purchase of additional turnouts - types needed: add 2 #6 InsulFrog PECO turnouts in place of the #8 to match up with the slip switches

        C. Purchase of wire needed - types: pending decision on turnout controls.

        D. Turnout motors and controls

                1. Tortoise

                2. Tam Valley Depot

        E. Revised Engine Service Module Layout set forth by Reed. Moved approval by Banks, seconded by Jerry. Approved

        F. Bill was directed to purchase additional cork roadbed for the roundhouse module. Proposed by Reed, moved by Banks, seconded by Jerry, by Acclamation.


V. New Business

        A. Flomaton show - last week-end in Sept

        B. Mobile show -  uncertain of date

        C. Approved going to both if no date conflict.


VI. Club Welfare - none


Banks Edwards

by Direction

HOME        Minutes