Minutes of the Business Meeting
of March 1, 2011
I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM by Secretary Reed Ostrander. Members attending: Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Reed Ostrander, Members: Tim Beers, Chip Borona, Banks Edwards, Bob Murphy, Art Sherman, Charles Tucker; junior membership applicant: Connor O’Brien.
A. Announcements
1. The next run session will be held on Tuesday, March 22 at 6:00PM at Bill Little’s layout.
2. The next Club meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Trains by Johnson’s on April 5, 2011.
B. Minutes of the previous meeting of Feb. 1, 2011 were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander.
1. Banks moved acceptance and was seconded by Bob.
a. The minutes were accepted as written.
C. The treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little.
1. As of this date there is $547.73 in the treasury. April is the last month to pay dues in one payment of $100.00.
a. Tim moved acceptance and was seconded by Banks.
b. The report was accepted as presented.
D. Old Business
1. As coordinator, Chip noted that he thought the Atlanta show went well.
a. As a result of his experiences, Chip made a motion that the following two additional show assistant coordinators be established in
addition to the show coordinator for each show:
"nbsp; 1) Load master - to be in charge of trailer packing and inspection (tires, securing load, arranging transportation).
2) Layout master - to be in charge of set up and take down at the given show.
3) The show coordinator would remain in overall charge including module layout plan, hotel arrangements, liaison with the show organizers,
show access information, tools and supplies, etc.
4) The motion was seconded by Bob and passed after discussion.
2. The Fairhope show was discussed by Coordinator Reed. The following members volunteered to be Load master - Bob and Layout master - Chip.
a. The following members agreed to attend the Fairhope show:
1) Steve; 2) Chip; 3) Bob; 4) Banks; 5) Charles; 6) Tim; 7) Cody; 8) Art; 9) non-mamber Connor O’Brien.
b. The Fairhope show will run Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm and Sunday 10:00 am to 4:00pm.
c. Set up will be at 3:00pm Friday, March 18th. Take down will be Sunday at 4:00pm, March 20th
3. The Uptown train show was discussed and Steve volunteered to be Show Coordinator, Load master - Bob and Layout master Reed.
a. The show will be held Saturday April 16th and Sunday the 17th. Set up may be both the 14th and 15th.
E. New Business
1. There will be a work session at the clubhouse on Saturday March 26th at 1:00pm.
2. Banks made a motion to extend the junior membership dues of $5.00 per month to members attending college. Other members
above 18 years will pay the normal dues of $10.00 per month.
a. The motion was seconded by Tim and passed.
b. This motion will require a change of the PMRC Constitution and will not take effect until the Executive Board of PMRC can act positively on it.
3. Chip made a motion that the trailer be weighed when bully loaded to make sure we are not over-loading the tires. The Club will reimburse any charges.
a. The motion was seconded by Reed and passed.
F. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.
Respectfully Submitted by
D. Reed Ostrander
PMRC HO Division