Minutes of the business meeting

of March 3, 2009


I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:38 PM by Vice-President Steve Grenot.

Members attending: Treasurer Dennis McDermott, Secretary Reed Ostrander, Members Chip Borona, Bill Little, Bob Murphy, Charles Tucker.

A. Announcements

1. Note item D.2. below and please try to attend.

2. The next run session will be Mar. 17, 2009 at Steve’s layout at Marie”s home.

3. Maps to Fairhope show are attached.

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of Feb. 3, 2009 were read and accepted as corrected.

1. Correction: Member Chip Borona was not in attendance at the February 2009 meeting.

C. Treasurer’s report

1. As of this date there is $1701.87 in the treasury.

2.Still owe $300.00 for 2008-2009 Club risk insurance.

a. Reed moved acceptance, seconded by Charles, report accepted.

D. Old Business

1. In the minutes of Feb. 3, 2009, add Chip to the members that will attend the Fairhope show.

2. We will check the modules next Tuesday at 6:00PM at Ron’s daughter’s house.

Please try to attend. More hands makes this chore go quickly.

3. Dennis will modify the stanchions.

4. We need to finish the work at the old clubhouse to meet our obligations.

5. There was no information on the status of new Club tee shirts and possible denim shirts with logos.

E. New Business

1. Reed proposed that we build a station module utilizing the Walthers Milwaukee station. Two tables of 6 ft length and 30 or 36 in wide would

provide space for passenger trains and be a good looking module for the layout.

a. The proposal was seconded with the proviso that Reed provide a plan and cost estimate for consideration by the Club. The proposal was accepted.

2. Dennis proposed that we look into adding more electronic sound or animation modules to the layout. He will look into availability and costs and report back to the Club.

F. The meeting was adjourned at 7:31PM.


Respectfully Submitted by  D. Reed Ostrander


PMRC HO Division