Minutes of the Business Meeting
of June 5, 2012
The business meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM by President Chip Borona.
Members attending: President Chip Borona, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Banks Edwards, Joe Garcia, Marion Johnson, Bob Murphy, Sean O'Brien, Art Sherman,
A. Minutes of the previous meeting of April 3, 2012 were read by President Chip Borona.
1. Banks moved acceptance and was seconded by Art.
a. The minutes were accepted as written.
B. The treasurer's report was presented by Bill Little.
1. As of this date there is $1774.83 in the treasury.
a. Banks moved acceptance and was seconded by Bob.
b. The report was accepted as presented.
C. Old Business
1. President Chip noted that the clean-up at the old Clubhouse has still not been completed.
a. Steve has decided he will reschedule a time to finish this task when it is convenient for Marie.
2. Roundhouse sub-committee had no new news to report.
a. President Chip asked for a specific time and place to have a sub-committee meeting.
b. The sub-committee decided on Tuesday June 12 at 7:00 PM at Bill Little’s home.
c. All interested members are welcome to attend.
3. The layout electrical schematic is in progress by Banks.
4. The Club wrote a check to Trains by Johnson for $137.51 for the Digitrax short-circuit and reversing unit. The whereabouts of the unit is still not known.
5. The trailer was transferred from Marie's to Bill's home by Sean. Many thanks go to Sean as this took several days as keys to the hitch lock had to be provided.
6. Sean had the trailer weighed with contents.
a. Total gross weight is 3,320 lbs.
b. Trailer weight empty is 1,180 lbs.
c. The weight of the Club’s modules and accessories is over 1 ton at 2,140 lbs.
7. Chip did not provide a list of the main tools needed by all members to avoid borrowing from other members at set-ups and take-downs.
a. This list will be provided before the next work session.
8. The following members have paid for the Toys for tots train sets:
a. Banks, Art, Bob M., Sean and Bill. Still to pay are Steve, Chip, Mike, Joe and Charles.
b. It was not clear if Reed made a commitment to purchase 2 sets or if that reflected the Club’s purchase.
D. New Business
1. President Chip clarified his position on work sessions and events. In order to reduce confusion:
a. Events will be discussed and agreed upon at business meetings by the members who will be involved, not through emails.
b. Reminders will be sent out by the President or his designated proxy using email or phone for those members that do not have email.
c. It is the responsibility of each member to call or email the President or his designated proxy if they will not be available or needing additional information.
d. Only the President or his designated proxy can cancel an event.
e. It is the President or his designated proxy responsibility to notify the members by phone or email of a cancellation and the reason.
2. The next work session will be at Bill’s on Saturday June 16th starting at 9:00 AM. Bill will be providing food.
3. The next run sessions will be at Bill Little's on Tuesday June 19 starting at 6:30 PM.
4. The next meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Trains by Johnson's on July 3, 2012.
5. The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 PM.
a. Banks moved to adjourn.
b. Bill Seconded and was approved by the members.
Respectfully Submitted by
Stephen “Chip” Borona
PMRC HO Division