Minutes of the business meeting

of June 2, 2009


I. The business meeting was called to order at 7:34 PM by President Ron Hartman.

Members attending: President Ron Hartman, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Dennis McDermott, Secretary Reed Ostrander, Members Chip Borona, Banks Edwards, Marion Johnson, Bill Little, Jackie Nelson, Charles Tucker.

            A. Announcements

                        1. Next meeting will be July 7, 2009.

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of May 5, 2009 were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander.

                        1. Charles moved acceptance and seconded by Steve.

                                    a. The minutes were accepted as written.

            C. The treasurer’s report was presented by Dennis McDermott

                        1. As of this date there is $1819.13 in the treasury.

                        2. Still appears to be an outstanding bill for Club insurance.

                                    a.  Reed moved acceptance, seconded by Charles.

                                    b. The report was accepted as presented.

            D. Old Business

1. We will set up at the Hadji show Friday the 20th at 2:00PM. Take down on Sunday at 4:00PM.

2. Dennis made a motion to have Club order one shirt per member, seconded by Reed.

a. Blue shirt will have a breast pocket, Club monogram sewn in style used in the past.

                                    b. Motion passed.

            E. New Business

                        1. We will need to fix up modules after Hadji show.

2. The Interstate fair will be October 22-31. We will set up starting the previous Monday, Oct. 20th.

3. No dates for the Dothan show yet but keep the middle 2 weeks of September open.

            F. The meeting was adjourned at 8:14PM.


Respectfully Submitted by  D. Reed Ostrander


            PMRC HO Division


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