Minutes of the Business Meeting
June 3rd, 2014
The business meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM by President Reed Ostrander.
Officers attending: Treasurer Bill Little.
Members: Jerry DuPont, Banks, Kerry, Richard Simmons, Ron Day (returned)
I. The Minutes of the previous meeting May 6tht, were read by acting Secretary Bill Little.
A. Jerry moved acceptance and it was seconded by Bill.
1. The minutes were accepted.
II. The minutes of the April meeting were brought up next. At the May meeting, there were not enough members present to approve the April minutes so they were approved at this time. Motion to approve made by Banks, and it was 2nd by Bill. All in attendance voted to approve the minutes from April.
III. The Treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little
A. As of this date there is $2,207.70 in the treasury.
1. Banks moved acceptance and was seconded by Jerry.
a) The Treasurers report was accepted
IV. Announcements
A. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Trains by Johnson on Tuesday 1st of July.
B. The next run session will be at 6:00PM at Bill’s on Tuesday June 17th. Bring food to cook.
C. The next work session will be next Tuesday at 1PM at Bill’s train shed. Bill will leave the gate on the side street open.
V. Old Business
A. Purchase of track and structures for roundhouse still needs to be completed. The recent rain storm has set back Trains by Johnson (TBJ). Orders for the roundhouse stalls should soon be on order. No change.
B. Reed has sent the DB150 and DCS200 to Digitrax for repairs. No change.
C. Reed again reported on the progress being made on the work sessions at Building 648 NAS and the rewiring of the bridge module. The yard is the only item that needs to be rewired, if it is determined to be necessary.
VI. New Business
A. Jerry still needs to look into getting a replacement tire, wheel and lock for the trailer. The one mounted but not locked on the trailer mysteriously and recently disappeared.
B. Reed will present a short talk on methods for semi-quick weathering of rolling stock following tonight’s meeting.
C. 100 copies of the publicity flyer for the Club were given to Dave Ramerez to be provided to customers and be available for customers to pick up too.
D. Upcoming shows were discussed next.
1. Dothan AL will be early Sept.
2. Flomaton will be late Sept.
3. Mobile will be 3-5 Oct. NOTE: Club voted to discuss this show again next month.
4. Pensacola Fair will be late Oct.
5. Hadji show will be 21 to 23 Nov. Weekend before Thanksgiving.
VII. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM
Respectfully Submitted by
Stephen “Chip” Borona
Secretary PMRC HO Division