Minutes of the Business Meeting

of July 8, 2019


I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Charles Tucker.

 Members attending: President Charles Tucker, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Reed Ostrander. Members: Chip Borona, Banks Edwards, Richard Simmons; Visitors: Chuck Mudford, Lenny Seidman.

     A. Announcements

1. The next run session(s) will be at 6:00 PM at on July 15, 22 and 29 at the clubhouse. Grill on at 5:30 pm. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.

2. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at the Clubhouse on August 5, 2019. Grill on at 5:30 pm. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.

3. The next work session will be at 6:00 PM at the Clubhouse on July 22, 2019. The work will include off-loading the cement corner module from the trailer and repair of the crossing signal. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.

4. The presentation on tree making by Jerry is hold until further notice

5. The presentation on Pensacola by Chip railroads is on old until further  notice.

    B. Minutes of the previous meeting of June 6, 2019 were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander

1. The amount listed in the treasury was corrected to $1641.44. Note that $1000.00 of the above total has been set aside for purchase of a new trailer in the next fiscal year.

2. Banks moved acceptance of the minutes as corrected and seconded by Jacob.

a. The minutes were accepted as corrected.

    C. The treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little.

            1. As of this date there is $1656.97 in the treasury.

                  a. Richard moved acceptance and was seconded by Banks

                  b. The report was accepted as presented.

    D. Old Business

1. The double slip turnouts on the roundhouse modules have been replaced and the Tam Valley controls and servos reinstalled. They still need testing.

2. Pensacola Area Trains presentation is on hold.

3. Four metal track end bumpers purchased and 3 installed by Reed. Chuck will construct 6 more track end bumpers. The four new metal track end bumpers cost


            4. Schedule for fall shows:

 a. Dothan: September 20 - 22.

 b. Flomaton: September 27 - 29.

c. Interstate Fair: 13 - 27. Repair and set-up October 13th - 16th. Fair starts Thursday, October 17th.  Run ends Saturday October 26th. Take down Sunday, October 27th.

d. Pensacola Train Fest: December 7, 8 and 9.

e. NAS children’s Christmas show?

         1) Sean needs to contact appropriate NAS people.

f. Ronald McDonald House run: coordinated by Charles.

  E. New Business

         1. Reed moved that Chuck Mudford be accepted as a new member of the HO Division of the Pensacola Model Railroad Club. He has attended 3 meetings and undertaken work on the Club layout.

     a. Motion was seconded by Banks.

          1) The motion was amended by Bill to show that after June 30th, new members will pay only half the yearly dues and was seconded by Banks.

          2) The amended motion passed.

          3) President Charles welcomed Chuck to the membership.

2. New projects

    a. Bridge from north end of roundhouse module to Club layout.

         1) Will require a lift bridge, new red track line and a new curved turnout on the Club layout.

3. Fix Hoffa Cement corner module crossing signal (see A.3. above).

4. Diet Coke, meat and chips needed for Club meals.

5. Christmas trains will be about $60.00 a set for either steam or diesel. Let Bill know how many and which type you want to order as soon as possible.


  F. Good and welfare

         1. Hope that Jerry’s back gets better.


  G. The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 PM


Respectfully Submitted by  D. Reed Ostrander


            PMRC HO Division