Minutes of the Business Meeting

of July 2, 2013

I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM by President Bob Murphy.
Members attending: President Bob Murphy, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Reed Ostrander, Members: Banks Edwards, Bob Murphy, Art Sherman, Richard Simmons.

A. Announcements
    1. The next run session will be on at 6:30 PM, July 16 at NAS, Building 648.
    2. The second monthly run session will be at Bill Little's at 6:30 PM, July 23. Eats will be served so please let Bill know if you plan to attend.
    3. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Trains by Johnson's on August 6, 2013.

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of June 4, 2013 were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander.
    1. The following corrections were made:
        a. Opening line change "Chip Borona" to "Bob Murphy".
        b. Under C., first line change "overlooked" to "presented". Delete "and all members present."
        c. Under D, second paragraph change "DSC" to "DCS".
    2. Banks moved acceptance and was seconded by Bill.
        a. The minutes were accepted as corrected.

C. The treasurer's report was presented by Bill Little.
    1. As of this date there is $1716.50 in the treasury.
    2. If you agreed to purchase Toys for Tots trains, please remit the amount due to Bill as soon as possible.
        a. Reed moved acceptance and was seconded by Banks.
        b. The report was accepted as presented.

D. Old Business
    1. Reed made a motion to attend the Flomaton train show contingent on an acceptable date.
        a. The motion was seconded by Banks.
        b. The layout size will be 16 x 20 unless additional members agree to attend.
            1) Reed, Bob, Bill and Banks agreed to help set-up on Friday.
            2) Reed, Banks, Bob and Bill will take-down on Saturday.
    2. Organizing a train show was discussed:
        a. Bob noteed that the Reagan Events Hall on Pine Forest Road would be large enough for a small show. He did not have any information on the rental price. Bob will get additional information.
        b. Reed noted that we need to follow up on the city contact Sean initiated.
        c. It was pointed out by Dave Ramirez that the Foley, Alabama club will be having a show next March and intends to invite our club.
        d. Attending the Tallahassee show next June also might be a possibility.

E. New Business
    1. There was no new business.

F. The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 PM.

Respectfully Submitted by D. Reed Ostrander
PMRC HO Division

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