Minutes of the Business Meeting of July 7, 2011


I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Vice President Steve Grenot.

            Members attending: Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Reed Ostrander, Members: Cody Beers, Tim Beers, Chip Borona, Bob Canavello, Banks Edwards, Bob Murphy, Jackie Nelson, Art Sherman; Visitor: Werner Kuhn.

            A. Announcements

                        1. The next run session will be held on July 21, at 6:00PM at Bill Little’s.

2. The next meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Trains by Johnson’s on August 2, 2011.

3. There will be a work session on July 16, 2011 at Ron’s daughter’s house at 10:00 AM. The location may be changed so watch for a final email from Steve. See D.1. below.

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of June 7, 2011 were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander.

                        1.Bill  moved acceptance of the revised notes and was seconded by Art.

                                    a. The minutes were accepted as revised.

                                    b. Revision: item C.2. change “$160.00" to $200.00 “dues outstanding.”

            C. The treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little.

                        1. As of this date there is $415.73 in the treasury.

                        2. Approximately $100.00 is still outstanding in dues.

                                    a.  Tim moved acceptance and was seconded by Bob Murphy.

                                    b. The report was accepted as presented.

            D. Old Business

                        1. Work session on July 16th at 10:00AM:

a. Tentative location is at Ron’s daughter’s (Heather) house on 2630 Southern Oaks Drive, Cantonment. Please try to attend.

                                    b. Track issues and Anderson plug concerns will be addressed.

                                    c. Bill offered his place for the work session if necessary.

2. Tim suggested that all problems be noted on a piece of masking tape and a marking pen on the module of concern.

3. It was noted that the expiration date for the trailer license plate is incorrect. Bill said he will take the appropriate data to the license bureau for correction. The expiration date should be in 2 years rather than one.

                        4. Steve will send get well cards to Dennis and Ron from the Club.

5. Reed noted that the new position of the trailer’s spare tire interferes with the use of the wheeled tongue jack.

                                    a. Bob Murphy will have the spare tire position changed.

6. Reed Noted that the trailer tires should be protected from the sun in some manner. The best method would be to get the trailer under cover which would also reduce the heating of the modules therein. Wheel covers would help.

            E. New Business

1. Reed made a motion to add a six month assessment to the Club dues of $5.00 per month to make up for a treasury shortfall.

                                    a. The motion was seconded by Bob Murphy.

b. We have approximately $500.00 for the remainder of the year and commitments for a bit more than that.

                                                1) $300.00 is due in August for liability insurance.

                                                2) There will also be fuel costs for the Dothan trip, clubhouse costs  and incidental charges for trips, the Interstate Fair and inflation.

b. The proposed assessment will provide about $360.00 in additional funds to cover these remaining Club expenditures. Individual member cost would be an additional $30.00 over the final six months of the year.

c. Banks and Chip suggested that we could better evaluate the appropriate Club member’s annual dues if the annual expenditures were more accurately known.

     1) Bill said he will review the treasury books to more accurately determine the Club’s annual expenditures over the past few years.

                                    c. The motion passed.

2. Tim suggested that we look into having a run session at Cordova Square to attract additional members.

                                    a. Banks made a motion that Tim contact the mall in this regard.

                                                1) The motion was seconded by Bob Murphy and was passed.

            F. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36PM.


Respectfully Submitted by  D. Reed Ostrander


            PMRC HO Division


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