Minutes of Business Meeting

of 11 July 2022


I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Charles Tucker.
    A. Officers attending: President Charles Tucker, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Gerald Russo.

     B. Members attending: Bob Canavello, Jerry Dupont, Banks Edwards, Chuck Mudford, Reed Ostrander, Richard Simmons, Bob Tribble

II. Minutes of the previous meeting of June 6th were read by Secretary Gerald Russo.
     A. Corrections to minutes: none
          1. The minutes were moved and accepted.
     B. The treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer Bill Little.
          1. As of this date there is $2,531.39 in the treasury.

III. Announcements:
     A. Next Meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. August 1, 2022
     B. Next run session(s) July 18 & 25, 2022
     C. Thank you to Bill for his hospitality!
     D. Note that some new controlling toggle switches have been installed and we need instruction.
     E. The Dothan show is September 17&18 with set-up on the 16th.
     F. The Flomaton Show is Sept. 24 with setup on Sept. 23 at noon.
    G. Thank you to Chuck and Reed for continuing work on the new yard and turnouts.

IV. Old Business
     A. Work on finishing the new yard and powering the sidings on Green.
          1. Turnout into the yard on the north end needs some attention.

          2. the yard needs some more drops on the north end to fix some dead spots in the track.
     B. Finish the Farm module.
     C. The trailer needs some maintenance: left fender lights, key for the side door.
     D. Note that the yard now has separate power controller under the center of the new yard.

         1. The toggle Switch is up for DC, center OFF and down for DCC.

         2. The long siding parallel to main one is still controlled by Main 1.


V. New Business
     A. We need to schedule times to accomplish our present work list.
          1. Workday scheduled for Saturday, 7/23 at 1pm.
     B. We need to decide on going to Flomaton and Dothan.
          1. Motion by Reed to notify all members to see if they are attending by 7/25, 2nd & approved.
     C. Continue work on preparing for Operating sessions- currently installing new turnouts.
     D. Comments by Vice-President:  Chip is getting worse; he has two non-operable tumors, currently on morphine for pain.

     E. Comments by any other members. (none)

VI. Club Welfare
     Our prayers are with Chip and Susan. Chip is in much pain. We continue to lift up Steve, Donna, Rick Simmons and Reed Ostrander.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm


home          minutes