Minutes of the Business Meeting

July 2, 2018


I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:20 PM by Secretary Pro Tem Reed Ostrander.

Members attending:, Treasurer Bill Little. Members: Jerry DuPont,  Jacob Navarro, Reed Ostrander, Richard Simmons; Visitor:

NOTE; Bill will continue to look into Banks whereabouts.


II. The attendees at this meeting did not constitute a quorum. Business completed by this meeting must be accepted as official business at the next business meeting with a quorum in attendance.

A. Announcements

1. The next run sessions will be at 6:00 PM at Bill’s train shed July 16 and 23. Grill on at 5:30 pm. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.

2. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Bill Little’s Train Shed on August 6, 2018. Grill on at 5:30 pm. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of July 2, 2018 were read by Secretary Pro Tem Reed Ostrander.

                        1. Jerry moved acceptance and was seconded by Bill.

                                    a. The minutes were accepted as written.

C. The treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little.

                        1. As of this date there is $479.82 in the treasury.

                        2. Still need to purchase Tags for trailer.

                                    a.  Jerry moved acceptance and was seconded by Rick.

                                    b. The report was accepted as presented.

D. Old Business

                        1. Jerry presented a status report on the work on various mods.

a. New correct length legs have been made for all the corner mods and various repairs completed. Corners have been returned to the trailer.

b. New larger wheels and a new leg holder will be installed on the yard module cart.

c. Power cabinet will be reworked for a new power supply. Large new DCC decoders will replace the old DC controllers and run DC trains via 400 series Digitrax controllers using the DC motor outputs of the decoders connected to the tracks directly from the control cabinet.  To be ordered from Terry Tucker.

1) Jerry moved that we purchase a normally $185 Digitrax power supply for a reduced price of $111 from Terry Tucker.

                                                            a) Those in attendance voted (4) in favor of the motion.

                        2. The roundhouse module is nearly complete except for a revised control board.

                                    a. Reed is constructing a new control board or the roundhouse.

                        3. Don’t forget the Gulf Division 4 mini meet on August 18, 2018.

E. New Business

                        1. No volunteers were forthcoming for presentation at future club meetings. 

                        2. The schedule for upcoming train shows:

                                    a. Wiregrass train show in Dothan; September 15 & 16. Set up on the 14th

b. Flomaton show September 22, set up on the 21st. This is a change from previous dates one week later

                                    c. Interstate Fair October 18 - 27. Set up on the 14th

                                    d. Hadji show December 1 and 2, set up November 30th

                                    e. NAS children’s Christmas party ?

                                    f. Ronald McDonald house ?

                        3. Board meeting with other PMRC divisions?

                        4. Jerry had a Saturday morning work session at his home July 21st

                                    a. ?

b. Trees were replaced on the bridge, rails on the bridge were still be glued down. New track sections were prepaired for the approaches.

                        5. A potential new member accompanied Jacob to the run session on July 16th

                                    a. Name?

F. The meeting was adjourned at 6:43PM


Respectfully Submitted by  D. Reed Ostrander

            Secretary Pro Tem

            PMRC HO Division