Minutes of the Business Meeting

of July 5, 2016


The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Reed Ostrander


Officers attending were Vice President Steve Grenot, Secretary Chip Borona and Treasurer Bill Little. Members attending were Howard Cowgill, Jerry Dupont, Banks Edwards, Rick Simmons and Charles Tucker. We had one guest, Doug Fountain.


I. Reading of the Minutes

A. The minutes of last month’s meeting were read Chip. The approval of the minutes was moved by Jerry, seconded by Banks and approved by those members in attendance.


II. Treasurer’s Report

A.      The Treasurer’s report was read to the club by Bill Little reporting that the current balance is unchanged from last month at $1,217.19.

a.       The approval of the report was moved by Charles, seconded by Steve and approved by the membership.


III. Announcements

A.      The next Business Meeting will be held at 6:30pm at Bill’s Train Shed on Tuesday August 2nd .

a.       Members can arrive at 5:30pm to grill and eat dinner, then to stay after the meeting to run trains.

 i.            Hot Dogs & Hamburgers & the trimmings will be provided.

 ii.           You can also bring your own food to grill, a cover dish or desert. There will be drinks or BYOB.

b.       Bill encourages all members to use the gate on the side street.

 i.            Disabled members can use the gate at the front of the house.

B.      The next Run Session will be held at 6:00pm at Jerry Depont’s home layout on Tuesday June 28th.

C.      An additional Run Session will be held at 6:00pm at Bill’s Train Shed on Tuesday June 28th.

a.       Members can arrive at 5:00pm to grill and eat dinner, then run trains.

 i.      Hot Dogs & Hamburgers & the trimmings will be provided.

 ii.      You can also bring your own food to grill, a cover dish or desert. There will be drinks or BYOB.

b.       Bill encourages all members to use the gate on the side street.

 i.      Disabled members can use the side gate at the front of the house.

D.     Doug Fountain has now attended 3 Club events and is seeking membership. Charles moved that Doug be accepted into the membership, Banks seconded and the motion was approved by the membership.


IV. Old Business

A.      Status of the Roundhouse Modules

a.    All the servos have been connected on the roundhouse module.

 i.      The next task is to get the servos aligned

 ii.      Construct an operating diagram

 iii.      Finish buildings, track and scenery

B.      Flomaton Railroad Junction Day

a.    Reed spoke with Tippy Wagner regarding our participation in Railroad Junction Day.

 i.      Tippy will provide 2 to 3 people to help carry our modules into the building.

b.    Banks will be the Load Master.

c.    Chip will be the Layout Coordinator.

d.    Reed will be the Event Coordinator.

e.    Of the members present at the meeting, Steve & Rick will not be attending.

f.     Chip’s attendance is dependent on his health status at the time of the event.

g.    The Flomaton Railroad Junction Day is scheduled for:

i.      Saturday, September 24th

ii.      Setup at 4:00 PM, on Friday, September 23rd

iii.      Take down will be on Saturday at 4:00 PM.


C.      26th Wiregrass Model Railroad Show & Sale at Dothan AL

a.    Jerry will be the Load Master.

b.    Chip will be the Layout Coordinator.

c.    Reed will be the Event Coordinator.

d.    Of the members present at the meeting, all indicated they would attend all three days except Bill and Charles would leave on Saturday to return to Pensacola.

e.    Chip’s attendance is dependent on his health status at the time of the event

f.     The Train Show is scheduled for

i.      Saturday & Sunday, September 17th & 18th

ii.      Setup at noon on Friday, September 16th

iii.      Take down on Saturday 18th at 4:00 PM


V. New Business

A.      The purchase of a Digitrax “Zephyr” throttle control for the roundhouse was discussed.

a.       It will cost about $161.25 + $14.75 S&H from MicroMark.

b.       It can also be purchased at Trains by Johnson, but without the S&H.

c.       Charles moved the Club purchase the throttle from TBJ, Bill second and the Club approved.

d.       Bill will make the purchase.

B.      Reed discussed the need for a turnout for the coal tower service track on the roundhouse module.

a.       Purchasing the correct turnout with controls will be about $80 to $100.

b.       Charles moved that we make the purchase, Jerry seconded and the Club approved.

C.      Reed discussed the turnout for the Red Line going into the yard has failed and will need to be replaced.

D.     Bill noted that the Club’s Non-Profit Tax Number (31307) is available.

a.       New purchases can now use our Non-Profit status and not incur Florida sales tax.

E.      Chip reported Terry Tucker informed the Club of a proposed change in the PMRC Constitution.

a.       The HO Division will need to review the changes and put it to a vote.

F.      Chip postponed the demonstration on how to create rubber molds and resin castings until the August meeting.

G.     Jerry provide a status on the progress of the repairs to the existing modules.

a.       The Ethanol Plant module was out of square which required the ends to be reworked.

b.       The Bridge module has been modified to eliminate the fender/thrust washers.

c.       Three Corner modules need small repairs,

 i.      Work party planned for July 19th and run session.


VI. Club Welfare

A.      Steve informed the Club that his mother is now permanently living at the assisted living facility.

a.       Reed suggested the Club send a card and flowers.

  i.      Rick made the motion, Charles seconded and the Club approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm


Respectfully Submitted by

Stephen “Chip” Borona

Secretary PMRC HO Division


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