Minutes of the Business Meeting

January 19, 2015


The business meeting was called to order at 6:27 PM by President Reed Ostrander

Officers attending: Secretary Chip Borona and Treasurer Bill Little. Members:
Jerry Dupont, Banks Edwards, Sean O'Brien, Rick Simmons, Charles Tucker and Donnie Dixon. There were no guests in attendance.

I. Reading of the Minutes
  A. The minutes of the previous meeting December 1st were read by Secretary Chip Borona.
    1. The approval of the minutes were moved by Banks, seconded by Rick and approved by the membership.

II. Treasurer’s Report
  A. The Treasurer’s report was read to the club by Bill Little reporting that the current balance is $129.50.
    1. The approval of the report was moved by Jerry, seconded by Charles and approved by the membership.

III. Announcements
  A. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Bill’s Train Shed on Tuesday February 2nd, 2016.
    1. Members can arrive at 5:30 PM to grill and eat dinner, then to stay after the meeting to run trains. Bill will leave the gate on the side street open.
  B. The next run sessions will be at Bill’s Train Shed, Tuesday January 26th at 6:00 PM.
    1. Grill will not be open. Bill will leave the gate on the side street open.

  C. Jerry has requested that the Club reserve the month of March for a run session at his home layout.
  D. Charles has requested that the Club reserve one of the Run Sessions in the Springtime for an Operating Session at his home using his 4x8 portable layout.

IV. Old Business
  A. Election of Officers for 2016
    1. Reed offered his thanks for the support of the membership for re-electing the current slate of Officers
  B. Late Train Shows of 2015
    1. Interstate Fair
      a. Overall went well with the introduction of the Engine Service Modules
      b. Since member participation was low during the 10 days of the show, there were lots of gaps in the Run Schedule.
    2. Pensacola Train Show
      a. See December 2015 MoM for a detailed assessment of the show by the members. Overall setup was fair.
      b. Again member participation was low during the show creating lots of gaps in the Run Schedule, especially Sunday morning.
    3. NAS Pensacola Children’s Christmas Party
      a. Overall was a good event.
      b. Setup of the 4x8 table went quick and the comments from the Party goers was positive.
  C. New Meeting Nights for the Business Meeting
    1. The Club discussed moving from Tuesday to Monday because of Bill’s work schedule
    2. The decision was made to keep the days for Business Meetings and Run Sessions.
  D. Toys for Tots Trainsets
    1. Bill Little will store the 7 train sets that ended up not being donated to the Marines
  E. Work on Roundhouse Modules
    1. Scenery and Buildings
    2. Turnout Machines
    3. New Turnout at Coal Elevator
    4. Roundhouse Track Control Panel
    5. Ballasting
    6. Re-evaluate the strength & support of the frame to prevent warping.
      a. Charles initiated this discussion with his concerns on the susceptibility of the current use of a hollow core door to sagging and warpage since the “door” is really “paper”.
      b. The Club discussed the pro and cons of modifying the modules or starting over. The decision was made that additional ribs would be added to create a more rigid platform and delete the current folding legs and use removable legs secured in corner pockets.
      c. Chip will investigate using Dave Ramirez’s jig for creating the pockets for the legs

V. New Business
  A. Foley Train Show
    1. Same location as last year. Dates are March 12-13, Saturday from 10AM to 5PM and Sunday from 10AM to 4PM
    2. Setup on Friday March 11th as early as possible. Reed will find out when we can get in.
    3. As in the past, we will setup a 2x2 plus the 4 corners
    4. Coordinator is Chip
    5. Load Master is Sean
    6. Layout Master is Reed
  B. Jerry brought in 3 engines with decoders he installed to show the Club.

VI. Club Welfare
  A. There was nothing to report.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted by
Stephen “Chip” Borona
Secretary PMRC HO Division

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