Minutes of the Business Meeting
of January 3, 2012
I. Open meeting with recognition of members.
A. The business meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM by President Chip Borona.
1. Members attending:
a. Officers: President Chip Borona, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little.
b. Members: Art Sherman, Banks Edwards, Bob Murphy, Connor O’Brien, Sean O’Brien, Marion Johnson, Mike Wishnacht
c. Visitors: Richard Simmons, Joseph Garcia, Joseph Klingman (potential junior member).
B. President Chip Borona read the requirements for both adult and junior membership.
C. Joseph Garcia wanted to pay $10 in advance of his acceptance as a member in March 2012.
1. His advanced dues were received by Treasurer Bill Little and so noted.
II. Reading of minutes from the last meeting.
A. Minutes of the previous meeting of December 6, 2011 were read by Vice-president Steve Grenot. Steve Grenot moved acceptance and was seconded by Bob Murphy. The minutes were accepted as written.
III. Financial report.
A. The treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little. As of this date there is $723.50 in the treasury. Banks moved acceptance and was seconded by Bob Murphy. The report was accepted as presented.
IV. Old Business
A. The NAS Children’s Christmas show was a big success on Saturday, December 9, 2011.
1. Over 200 adults and children were in attendance.
2. Originally done as a community outreach, the Club received a $500 donation.
3. The event organizers were very pleased with our presence that we may the opportunity to attend other events in the future.
B. Marion Johnson announced that the warehouse behind Trains By Johnson (TBJ) will no longer be available for the Club as he plans to set-up Jim Capers O-gauge layout there.
C. The location of the January 14 Club work party was originally the TBJ warehouse.
1. It is now relocated to Bob Murphy’s home.
2. Time to start is 10:30 AM.
3. Directions to follow by separate email.
4. Track ends and loose track will be addressed, new legs will be built for the yard branch module and a new tee will be installed on the cement plant corner module.
D. The future progress of the Clubhouse was raised by President Chip Borona.
1. Because of the amount of personal commitment in time, effort and expense needed to complete the Clubhouse, it was suggested by Chip that the next business meeting be at the Clubhouse and on a Saturday. In this way the members could make an informed decision as how to proceed.
a. A budget, work cut-list and modular layout format would be part of the discussion.
b. Directions will be sent by separate email.
c. Bob Murphy made a motion to have the next business meeting on Saturday February 4 at 10 AM.
(1). Banks seconded and the motioned was passed.
V. New business.
A. Mike Wishnacht announced that his home is now available for Club run sessions.
1.Mike’s layout has a European theme, a garage workshop with plenty of parking.
2.Steve G. made a motion to have the next run session at Mike’s home on the January 17 at 6 PM.
3. Directions to follow by separate email.
4. Bob Murphy seconded and the motion was passed.
B. The February run session / weathering demo by Reed Ostrander was discussed next.
1. Steve Grenot made the motion to have it at Marie’s home on Thursday February 16 to avoid conflicting with Valentine’s Day on Tuesday February 14.
2. Directions will be sent in a separate email.
3. Bob Murphy seconded and the motion was passed.
C. A discussion regarding future fixed expenditures was started by President Chip Borona.
1. Banks mentioned that back in July 2011 he and Bill Little had put forth a proposed budget.
2. Bill stated he would forward a copy to the President for review.
VI. Committee reports.
A. There were no committee reports.
VII Announcements
A. A reminder was made to RSVP Reed Ostrander for the up-coming 12th Night Part at Reed’s home Saturday January 14 at 6 PM.
B. The Atlanta Model Train Show on Saturday January 14 located in Norcross Georgia was mentioned.
C. The Fairhope Train Show schedule will be:
1. Setup on Friday March 16 from 3 PM
2. Run Times on Saturday March 17 from 9 AM to 5 PM
3. Run Times on Sunday March 18 from 9 AM to 4 PM
4. Tear down on Sunday at 4 PM.
VIII. Bob Murphy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 PM. Steve Grenot seconded and the motioned was passed