Minutes of the Business Meeting

February 21, 2017




The business meeting was called to order at 6:34 PM by President Reed Ostrander.


Officers attending were President Reed Ostrander, Secretary Chip Borona and Treasurer Bill Little. Members attending were Howard Cowgill, Banks Edwards, Rick Simmons and Charles Tucker. Guest attending was Andrew Keiderling seeking membership.


I. Reading of the Minutes

A. The minutes of last month’s meeting were read by Chip.

1.      The minutes were approved by the membership.


II. Treasurer’s Report

A.     The Treasurer’s report was read to the club by Bill reporting that the current balance is $1,525.58.

a.       The report was approved by the membership.


III. Announcements

A.     The next Business Meeting will be held at 6:30 pm at Bill’s Train Shed on Tuesday March 7th 2017.

a.       Members can arrive at 5:30 pm to grill and eat dinner, then to stay after the meeting to run trains. Bill encourages all members to use the gate on the side street and disabled members can use the gate at the front of the house.

b.      All members are encouraged to RSVP so Bill can anticipate the headcount.

B.     The February Run Session was held at the same time as the postponed Business Meeting.



IV. Old Business

A.     Mobile Train Show March 10-12

1.      Depart from Bill’s

   10:30 am

2.      Set up March 10

   12:00 pm till

3.      Run Sat. March 11

   9:00 am to 5:00 pm

4.      Run Sun. March 12

   10:00 am to 4:00 pm

5.      Take down Sunday March 12

   4:00 pm

6.      Attendees, load masters and layout coordinator are listed in the adjacent table.

7.      Charles will not be at set up due to prior commitment

8.      Size of the layout is dependent on the available room.

B.     Completing the Engine Service Module

1.      Work session on roundhouse Saturday, March 18 at 1030 AM

2.      Electrical operations to the roundhouse

3.      Electrical operations to the turnout controls (2 & 3), (6 & 7), (8 & 9)

4.      Because of foam shrinkage, we need to raise the diesel house approaches.

5.      Scenery

6.      Build storage boxes of the buildings and structures.

7.      Reed Brought to the meeting the completed Control Panel.


V. New Business

A.     Presentations

1.      Chip will do a casting demo at the next business meeting, February 21st .

2.      Charles will do a demo on G-scale live steam

3.      Jerry will do a demo on a TBD electrical topic

B.     Reed will send out an email for next work session.

C.     Having meet the entry requirements for membership, the Club unanimously voted in Andrew Keiderling.


VI. Club Welfare

A.     The club had nothing to report.


Charles made the motion to end the meeting. It was seconded by Banks and approved by all present. The meeting was adjourned at 7:04pm


Respectfully Submitted by

Stephen “Chip” Borona

Secretary PMRC HO Division


HOME        Minutes