Minutes of the Business Meeting
of 4 February 2012
I. The business meeting was called to order at 10:15 AM by President Chip Barona.
Members attending: Vice-president Steve Grenot, Secretary Reed Ostrander, Members: Cody Beers, Bob Murphy, Charles Tucker. A quorum was not present.
A. Announcements
1. The next run session will be on at 6:00 PM, February 16th at the clubhouse. Reed will demonstrate weathering techniques he has developed using spray and brush washes.
2. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Trains by Johnson's on March 6, 2012. This will be the last meeting before the Fairhope show. Please try to attend.
B. Minutes of the previous meeting of January 3, 2012 were read by Secretary Reed Ostrander.
1. Tim moved acceptance and was seconded by Bob Murphy.
a. The minutes were accepted as written.
C. The treasurer's report was presented by Chip for Bill Little.
1. As of this date there is $1325.50 in the treasury.
a. Reed moved acceptance and was seconded by Tim.
b. The report was accepted as presented.
D. Old Business
1. There has been some action on obtaining Club shirts. Chip noted that Dave Fulmer will do the embroidery for $10.00 on any shirt. Bob Murphy, Charles and Reed will look into shirt prices and sources.
a. It was suggested that we all supply a shirt with a temporary name tag to the embroiderer.
2. The status of the Clubhouse was discussed.
a. It was pointed out that a permanent place with full time access is a requirement. The Clubhouse meets these requirements.
b. The cost of completing the Clubhouse room (11.5 x 26 ft) to the point where a layout may built will be in approximately $2500.00. This would include insulation, interior walls, ceiling and lighting. An additional air conditioner, 5 rolls of insulation and some lighting units are available. Wiring and stud walls have been completed. A new roof has solved the leakage problem.
1) It was noted that the cost of completion would also go a long way to rebuilding the modular layout for faster assembly and take down.
b. It would also be possible to use the Clubhouse as a work place (no layout) and storage for the trailer in the adjoining garage to avoid the effects of weather on the modules.
1) After discussion, Bob Murphy moved that the recommendation of this group be that the Clubhouse be improved enough to serve as a work area.
a) The motion was seconded by Charles. Because there was no quorum, the motion is an informal action of the attending members.
b) The informal motion passed.
E. New Business
1. President Chip noted that the roundhouse is no longer available. Because it was a popular module and many observers asked whether it could operate he suggested that a new roundhouse module be constructed to include a ready track and additional service models. This would be a Club project and be owned by the Club when completed.
a. Cost is probably in the $500.00 - $700.00 range. This proposal will be presented at the next Club business meeting.
2. Reed will design a new layout for the Fairhope show.
F. The meeting was adjourned at 11:52 AM.
Respectfully Submitted by
D. Reed Ostrander
PMRC HO Division