Minutes of the Business Meeting
of December 1, 2014
The business meeting was called to order at 6:42 PM by President Reed Ostrander.
Officers attending: Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Chip Borona.
Members: Banks Edwards, Sean O’Brian (via telephone) and Rick Simmons.
I. Reading of the Minutes
A. The Minutes of the previous meeting November10th, were read by Secretary Chip Borona.
a. The approval of the November minutes were moved by Bill, seconded by Rick and approved by the membership.
II. The Treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little
A. As of this date there is $930.11in the treasury.
a. The approval of the Treasurer’s report were moved by Banks, seconded by Rick and approved by the membership.
b. The membership discussed if there was any news on the financial status of the PMRC train show. Reed reported that it was still in progress with Jack Knowles.
c. Outstanding expenses are:
i. Payment for six welders vise-grips
ii. Payment for two 5-amp aircraft style circuit breakers
iii. Bill will take the lead to investigate the status of the trailer tags.
III. Announcements
A. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Bill’s Train Shed on Monday January 5th 2015.
a. Members can arrive at 5:30 PM to grill and eat diner, then to stay after the meeting to run trains.
b. Bill will leave the gate on the side street open.
B. The next run session will be on Monday December 15th at 6:00 PM.
a. Members can arrive at 5:30 PM to grill and eat diner, before running trains.
b. Bill will leave the gate on the side street open
C. NAS NATTC Holiday Party
a. The members discussed accepting the invitation to attend and setting up a minimum layout for the NATTC Holiday Party.
i. Bill moved to accept
ii. Rick seconded and the motion was passed
b. General Information:
i. Date: Friday December 12th
ii. Location: NAS Pensacola, NATTC
iii. Set-up time: 1:00 PM
iv. Party hours: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
v. Take-down right after the party
vi. Attendees: Reed, Bill, Chip, Sean
vii. Loadmaster: Sean
viii. Layout coordinator: Reed
ix. Layout: 12ft W x 16ft L
D. Reed confirmed that he and Jerry will start work on a seasonal module in middle of January
a. Will complement the coal mine module on the right (see Figure 1)
b. The module will blend into the Coal Mine module. It will have the mainlines with a removal scene to allow depiction of special seasons (i.e., Halloween, Christmas, Fall etc.). All are welcome to be involved.
Figure 1 Location of new Seasonal Module
E. Reed announced that his 12th Night Christmas Party will be on Saturday January 3rd .
a. Invitations will be mailed out to the members.
IV. Old Business
A. The Cement plant corner module’s cross bucks are broken and need to be replaced.
a. Replacement cost could be as high as $50.
b. Rick moved for the club to purchase replacement cross bucks, Bill seconded and the motion was passed.
B. The completion of the Farm module was discussed. Chip will be lead on this project. Banks noted that he is completing an old time barn with painted advertising on the side of the barn. Additional details to complete the Farm scene to include silo and windmill.
a. Reed asked if the windmill could be animated. Chip will investigate.
b. Start date in January to be announced.
C. The membership had a lengthy discussion on the progress of the Engine Service module.
a. Chip present a handout showing how the module can be integrated into the current layout and the layout expanded with the .
b. Reed also provided handouts to discuss the track access from the Red and Yellow lines to the roundhouse and turntable and a proposal for locating the different elements for servicing diesel and steam locomotive’s.
c. The overall consensus was that the module will be a focal point of continuous activity during shows with two or more operators servicing engines, removing coal ash, moving full coal cars in and returning empties to the coal mine.
d. Also a special track can we made available for MoW equipment and a wrecking train.
D. The Foley Model Train Show is presently scheduled for March 21 & 22, 2015.
a. Chip moved that the Club attend the show. Banks seconded and the motion was passed. Details will be announced at a later date.
E. There was no new information to report on the graphics for the trailer as Steve Grenot was unable to attend because of work.
F. The existing slate of Officers for 2015 was presented to the membership.
a. There were no challengers to the existing Officers.
b. Banks moved that the current slate of Officers be accepted. Bill seconded and the motion was passed.
V. New Business
A. The current PMRC banner used for the layout displays www.trainjunkie.com and a replacement is needed.
a. Chip will take the lead and work up graphics and quotes.
B. Discussion on replacement of the yard entrance modules was postponed for future discussion as it was getting late in the evening.
C. The curved turnout to the Hoffa Cement Plant continues to cause long passenger cars to derail (see Figure 2). Although a Peco code 100 Curved Double Radius Turnout was used, the radius has been determined to be about 27”. This is too sharp a radius for these long passenger cars. Banks made a motion to replace the turnout, Bill seconded and the motion was passed.
a. Reed will take the lead to find a suitable replacement.
Figure 2 Curved turnout to Hoffa Cement
Banks found on
http://www.trainworld.com/ Life Like’s Santa Fe
Train Set for
$49.99 that members could purchase for Toys for Tots.
a. Banks moved that the Club purchase 10 trainsets which will be reimbursed by the members if the trainsets could arrive on time for the Toys for Tots drive. Rich seconded and the motion was passed.
b. Bill will take the lead and contact Trainworld and place the order so long as they arrive on time.
E. Banks purchased two 5-amp circuit breakers to protect locomotives running DC.
a. Rick made the motion that the Club reimburse Banks, Reed seconded and the motion was passed.
VI. Club Welfare
There was nothing to report to the membership.
VII. The meeting was adjourned at 8:11PM.
Respectfully Submitted by
Stephen “Chip” Borona
Secretary PMRC HO Division