Minutes of the Business Meeting
April 7, 2015
A. Meeting called to order at 6:34 p.m. Members in attendance were Reed, Steve, Bill, Banks, Jerry, Sean, Rick and Donnie
I. Minutes of the previous meeting are posted on the web page. Members have read the minutes and Sean moved that they be accepted as written, Rick seconded. Motion pass by acclamation
II. Treasurer’s report - current balance is $1228.45
III. Announcements
A. Next meeting
1. The next business meeting will be at 6:30 PM at Bill’s train shed on May 5, 2015.
B. Next run session: 21 April 2015 at The Train Shed at 6:00 p.m.
C. Work on roundhouse modules to be started at 3:30 p.m. Friday, 10 April with the mounting of legs.
D. Other - Reed will meet with Jerry at Jerry's to replace the cross-buck signals on the Hoffa corner module.
IV. Old business
A. Foley show was quite a success with plenty of folks to get the set-up and tear-down quickly. Well done!
B. Purchase of rail, roadbed, wiring and controls, etc. for roundhouse. Bill has on hand most of the track and turnouts.
The engine service area will be laid directly on the module surface with the main-line to be mounted on roadbed with the feeders into the yard to be ramped down using carpenter wedges
V. New Business
A. Presentation: Engine Gathering at the National Railway Museum, Yorkshire, England 2013 - by Reed was postponed to next meeting
VI. Club Welfare: none required
VII. Meeting adjourned at 7:14.
Banks Edwards
by direction