Minutes of the Business Meeting

April 1, 2014


The business meeting was called to order at 6:37 PM by President Reed Ostrander.

Officers attending: Vice-President Steve Grenot, Secretary Chip Borona and Treasurer Bill Little.

Members: Banks Edwards, Jerry DuPont, Rick Simmons, Sean O’Brian and Charles Tucker.

Visitors in attendance: John Nolan and John Michael Brannan.


I. The Minutes of the previous meeting of March 4th, were read by Secretary Chip Borona

   A. Typos were noticed by the members and a correction will be made.

      1. The minutes were accepted as written


II. The Treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little

   A. As of this date there is $2,304.70 in the treasury.

      1. Banks moved acceptance and was seconded by Charles.

         a) The Treasurers report was accepted


III. Announcements

   A. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at Trains by Johnson on Tuesday May 6th

   B. The next run session will be at 6:00PM at Bill’s on Tuesday April 15th

   C. The next work session will be at 1PM at Building 648 NAS on April 8th

   D. The Tallahassee show will be on June 28th (one day)

      1. A show of hands was asked by Reed as to who wanted to attend as a club.

      2. Not enough interest was shown, so the Club will not be attending

   E. Reed will be meeting with Terry Tucker soon to plan for the Hadji show.

      1. Reed requested that the Treasurer prepare a $250 check to begin covering expenses

   F. Thanks to all who attended the Foley Show. All went well so far as set-up and take down were concerned but Sponsors are looking at a different venue and to improve communication.

   G. Next show will be at Dothan in Mid-September, dates TBD.


IV. Old Business

   A. The Ethanol Plant module needs:

      1. Fuel storage tanks mounted on the module permanently if possible

      2. Scenery needs finishing

   B. The Grain Elevator module needs:

      1. The addition of a flashing red LED atop the elevator

      2. The Grain Elevator needs to be made removal for maintenance of the LED

   C. State of the roundhouse:

      1. Chip presented two proposals for a 12 foot Engine Service Facility comprising of two 6-foot modules (see Addendum)

         a) One would be 4 feet in depth

         b) The other would be 5 feet in depth

      2. After a discussion of the estimated costs and merits of the two proposals, Charles made a motion to proceed with the 5 foot deep module. Steve seconded and the motion was approved.

      3. Construction will begin on Sunday April 6th at Dave Ramirez’s garage.

   D. The signals are on order and will cost $47.90 (see addendum)


V. New Business

   A. Electrical problems continue to plague the Club

      1. Do we want to try fast acting circuit breakers?

      2. Install PM-42

      3. Failures of base and hand held units

         a) Base units were recorded at 2.6v to 22v output

         b) The 402 hand held unit had it’s plug on backwards from a previous repair, now corrected

     4. Electrical debugging will continue during the next work sessions.

   B. Some modular track ends need rebuilding

      1. Woodlands corner

      2. Mine

      3. Duke right end near turnout to branch line

  C. Fix Loco Net cable with red tie during the next work sessions

  D. Fix left end of bridge track during the next work sessions


VI. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 PM


Respectfully Submitted by

Stephen “Chip” Borona

Secretary PMRC HO Division


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