Minutes of the business meeting

of April 7, 2009


I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:28 PM by President Ron Hartman.

            Members Attending: President Ron Hartman, Vice-President Steve Grenot, Treasurer Dennis McDermott, Secretary Reed Ostrander, Members Chip Barona, Banks Edwards, Marion Johnson, Bob Murphy, Charles Tucker.


  1. Announcements
    1. See E.1.
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting of March 3, 2009 were read and accepted as written.
    1. Moved acceptance Charles, second Banks.
  3. Treasurer’s report
    1. As of this date, there is $1728.26 in the treasury.
    2. Still owe $300.00 for insurance

a.       Charles moved acceptance, seconded by Banks, report accepted.

  1. Old Business
    1. Reed presented a layout plan for the Shalimar-Uptown Station show

a.       Space for Bob Murphy’s new module will be available

    1. No information on new shirts was available
    2. Reed presented a proposal for a station module

a.       After discussion the proposal was tabled for future consideration

    1. The dates for the Hadji and NMRA SER convention will be June 13 and 14.

a.       Setup for the Hadji show will be June 12 at 3:00 p.m.

  1. New Business
    1. There will be a work session beginning at 10:30 AM Saturday  April 11 to repair the module dollies and pack the trailer for the Shalimar-Uptown Station show.

a.       The session will be at Ron’s daughter’s house.

    1. The new Club internet page is phomrc.com
  1. The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 PM


Respectfully Submitted by D. Reed Ostrander


            PMRC HO Division

16 April 2009 Meeting