Minutes of Business meeting

September 28, 2020



Draft Minutes


I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM by President Charles Tucker.

   Members attending: President Charles Tucker, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill    Little.

   Members: Andrew Keiderling, Sean O’Brien, Richard Simmons, Gerald Russo

   Former Member Robert Canavello:


   A. Announcements

      1. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at the Clubhouse on Oct. 5, 2020.     Grill on at 5:30 pm. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.

      2. The next work session will be at scheduled at the next meeting.

      3. Thanks to Bill for cooking at meetings.


   B. Informal minutes of the previous meeting of June 1, 2020 were read by Gerald Russo.

       1. The minutes were moved and accepted.

       2. The treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little.

           a) As of this date there is $2,220.78 in the treasury.

            1). Expenditures:

               a]. $55 for tags

               b]. $100 memorial (Steve’s Mother)

               c]. $20.74 (supplies/Reed).

          b). The report was moved and accepted as presented.


   D. Old Business

      1. Status report on the engine facility, turntable and bridge.

      2. Need list of repairs for current modules

      3. The pinning of 5-modules has been completed.  Need to swap out completed modules with the corners, bridge and sawmill sections for pinning.

      4. Need to retrieve the corner modules from the trailer and return the completed modules (possibly before start of next meeting.)


E. New Business

     1. Discussion related to redesign legs for modules to have a standard set-up.

        a) motion to proceed and seconded

     2. Rail Fest is currently still on for first weekend in December, additional information coming from Terry Tucker.

     3. Motion to accept Bob Tribble as a new club member, (motion & second)

     4. Welcome back Bob Canavello as a returning member.

     5. Round-robin session by attending members (what’s been happening)


Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm


Reported by:

Gerald Russo