Minutes Business Meeting
of August 5, 2024
I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Vice President Steve
A. Officers Members attending: Treasurer Bill Little,
Secretary Gerald Russo.
B. Members: Bob Canavello,
Banks Edwards, Michael Eells, Chuck Mudford, Reed Ostrander, Mark Soltero.
II. Minutes of the previous meeting of July 1st were read
by Secretary Gerald Russo.
A. Corrections to minutes: none. The minutes were moved
and accepted.
B. The treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer
Bill Little. As of this date there is $3,234.36 in the treasury.
III. Announcements:
A. Next Meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. September 9, 2024
B. Next run session(s) August 12, 19, 26. NOTE: August
19 will be an operating session beginning at 6 pm.
C. Thank you to Bill for his hospitality!
D. The Interstate Fair is October 17-27 with set up
Oct. 13-16. We will be in our usual location!
E. The dates for the Dothan Show are Sept. 20-22.
(Probably will not attend)
IV. Old Business
A. Repairs need to be made on the club layout. (See
separate sheet.)
B. Continue work on Operating sessions- currently
installing new turnouts. (Work is in progress.) (Need LH curve turnout)
C. Information has been sent off info to Accurail and
we are awaiting the proof of the lettering. They have promised the cars before
the fair.
need a list of 6-digit numbers for the decals for renumbering.
D. All current bills have been paid.
V. New Business
A. We need to begin preparing the 9” joint tracks for
use when we set up at the Fair.
B. Are there any new modules in the planning stage or
under construction?
C. Comments by any other members.
1. New UR93 has replaced
the old radio transmitter on the club layout.
2. A new UR93
transmitter has been installed on the show layout control box.
3. Bridge module is
currently being repaired at Tucker’s.
4. A tool kit with
supplies has been donated for use at the train shows.
VI. Club Welfare
We continue to lift up Steve, Donna, Rick Simmons and
Reed Ostrander.
Meeting adjourned at 6:58pm
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald W. Russo