Minutes of Business Meeting
12 Sept 2022
I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Charles Tucker.
A. Officers Attending were: President Charles Tucker, Vice-President Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretart Gerald Russo.
B. Members attending were: Bob Canavello, Jerry Dupont, Banks Edwards, Chuck Mudford, Sean O'Brien, Reed Ostrander,
Richard Simmons, Bob Tribble.
II. Minutes of the previous meeting of Aug 1,, 2022 were read by Secretary Gerald Russo.
A. Corrections to minutes: None
1. The minutes were read and and accepted.\
B. Threasurer's report was presented by Treasurer Bill Little.
1. As of this date there is $2,482.50 in the treasury.
a. Spent $15.57 for trailer lghts.
III. Announcements:
A. Next meeting will be on October 3, 2022.
B. Next run session(s) August 8, 15, 22 & 29, 2022.
C. Thank you to Bill for his hospitality .
D. The Dothan Show is Sept 17 & 18 with setup on the 16th.
E. The Flomation Show is Sept 24 with setup on Sept 23ed at 1 PM.
F. We still need work sessions to fix modules.
IV. Old Business
A. Work on finishing the new yard and powering the sidings on Green
1. Turnout into the yard on the north end needs some atttention.
2. The yard needs some more drop on the north end to fix some dead spots in the track.
B. Finish the Farm module.
C. The trailer needs some maintenance: left fender lights, key for side roor
D. Work on the repair of modules is needed.
E. Shirts for PMRC members:
1. 2-person teams from N & HO divisions to decide types (LS/SS, pockets)
a. Individual names extra.
V. New Business
A. We need to shule times to accomplish our present work list.
B. We need to decide on going to Flomation and Dothan. There seems to be enough folks willing ro accomplish the mission.
1. Approx. 9 members indicated attendance at Dothan.
2. Approx 6 members indicated attendance at Flomation.
C. Continue work on preparing for Operating sessions - currently installing new turnouts.
D. Chip is offering his train collection to PMRC HO Division members, he only requests that if item are taken, pplease document the item(s)
and forward the list to him.
E. Comments by other members.
1. Chuck: crossover from M1 to M2 has a piece of blue tape on the frog; DO NOT remove it in order to eliminate any possible shorts
between M1 & M2 tracks.
2. Gerald Dupont: Possibly assist the PMRC N-scle Division with the cost of Rail Fest if all the tables are not sold.
VI. Club welfare:
Our prayers are with Chip and Susan. Chip is in much pain and not doing well. We continue to lift up Steve, Donna, Rick Simmons adeed Ostrander.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted.
Geradl Russo