Minutes of the Business Meeting
September 6, 2016
The business meeting was called to order at 6:23 PM by President Reed Ostrander
Officers attending were Vice-President Steve Grenot. Members attending were
Howard Cowgill, Jerry Dupont,
Banks Edwards, Rick Simmons, Charles Tucker and Doug Fountain.
I. Reading of the Minutes
A. The minutes of last month’s meeting were read by Chip.
1. The approval of the August 2nd
minutes, with corrections was moved by Charles, seconded by
Banks and approved by the membership.
II. Treasurer’s Report
A. The Treasurer’s report was read to the club reporting that
the current balance is $996.60.
a. The approval of the report was
moved by Charles, seconded by Doug and approved by the
III. Announcements
A. The next Business Meeting will be held at 6:30 pm at
Bill’s Train Shed on Tuesday October 11th.
a. Members can arrive at 5:30 pm to
grill and eat dinner, then to stay after the meeting to run
trains. Bill encourages all members
to use the gate on the side street and disabled members can
use the gate at the front of the
B. There will not be any Run Session due to the number of
back to back train shows.
IV. Old Business
A. 26th Wiregrass Model Railroad Show & Sale; Dothan AL
a. Saturday & Sunday, September 17th
& 18th
b. Setup at noon on Friday, September
c. Run Times:
i. Saturday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
ii. Sunday
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
d. Take down on Sunday the 18th at
4:00 pm
e. Jerry will be the Load Master.
i. He will be
leaving from Bill’s on Friday at 8:30 am
f. Reed will be the Layout
g. Attendees for Fri., Sat., & Sun.:
i. Reed,
Jerry, Howard & Rick
h. Attendees for Fri. & Sat. only:
i. Charles
and Bill
i. Motel
arrangements can be made at the Clarion Inn (334) 794-8711 and ask for the Train
Show discount.
B. Flomaton Railroad Junction Day; Flomaton AL
a. Saturday, September 24th
i. Leave
Pensacola on Friday, September 23rd at 10:30 am
ii. Setup at
noon on Friday, September 23rd
iii. Run
times are Saturday, September 24th, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
iv. Take down
will be on Saturday at 4:00pm.
b. Banks will be the Load Master.
c. Reed will be the Layout
d. Steve, Chip & Rick will not be
C. Status of the Roundhouse Modules
a. All servos installed and
b. Bit of track and wiring to do
i. coaling
line, car repair and diesel house being finished up
c. Roundhouse and wiring installed
d. Roundtable installation nearly
e. Control board designed and under
f. Many thanks to Jerry for his
extensive efforts on this project.
g. Has been and continues to be fun
to build. Looking forward to running these mods.
D. New combination locks for trailer and Bill’s fence
E. Replace red line turnout into yard - do at fair
V. New Business
A. Mobile Train Show; Mobile AL
a. Saturday and Sunday October 8th
and 9th
b. Set up at noon on Friday October
c. Layout coordinator, unassigned at
this time
d. Load master, unassigned at this
e. Attendees (as of August meeting):
i. Fri.,
Sat., & Sun.: Reed & Charles
ii. Fri. &
Sat.: Bill
iii. Fri. &
Sun.: Rick
B. Pensacola Interstate Fair; Pensacola FL
a. Layout coordinator & parking
passes - Reed
b. Load master, unassigned at this
time Set up Sunday Oct. 16 at 12:00 pm
c. Work and repair days Monday -
d. Fair begins Thursday Oct. 20 at
4:00 pm (no work time)
e. Fair ends Saturday Oct. 29 at
10:00 pm
f. Take down Sunday Oct. 30 at 12:00
C. Pensacola Railfest 2016; Hadji Shrine; Pensacola FL
a. Set up at 11:00 am on Friday
November 18th
b. Run times on Saturday November
19th (9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
c. Run times on Sunday November 20th
(10:00 am to 4:00 pm)
d. Layout coordinator, unassigned at
this time
e. Load master, unassigned at this
f. Attendees TBD
D. NAS children’s Christmas party TBD
E. Discussion of Roundhouse operation by Jerry
a. Operation of Zephyr, servos and
double slip switches
F. Toys for Tots Marine Corp toy drive
a. Last year, the Club was late
getting the train sets to the drop off point, and they were not
b. Bill has the train sets in storage
from last year and will donate these this year.
VI. Club Welfare
A. Steve has been in the hospital with issues related to his
The meeting was adjourned at 7:28pm
Respectfully Submitted by
Stephen “Chip” Borona
Secretary PMRC HO Division