Minutes of BUSINESS Meeting

oCTOBER 4 , 2021



A. The business meeting was called to order at 6:28 PM by President Charles Tucker.
     Members attending: President Charles Tucker, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Gerald Russo. Members: Bob Canavello, Gerald Dupont,

          Dustin Kelmer, Doug McCoy, Chuck Mudford, Sean O’Brien, Reed Ostrander, Richard Simmons, Bob Tribble,

     Visitor: Ben Peters

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of September 13th were read by Secretary Gerald Russo.
     1. Corrections to minutes: None
     2. The minutes were moved and accepted.
     3. The treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer Bill Little.
          a. As of this date there is $1,783.13 in the treasury.
          b. The report was moved, seconded and accepted as presented.

C. Old Business

     1. Continued work on Engine Facility, fix a few track ends on some of the straight modules. 

     2. Thanks to Gerald Dupont, Reed and Chuck for their trouble shooting on the modules. 

     3. We are still waiting for the digital controller for turntable. And we do not need the new Turntable as the old one is now working.

     4. Distribute VIP passes for the Fair.


D. New Business

     1. Need to schedule a time for the officers to attend to bank business on the checking account.

     2. Set up for the Fair on Sunday, 10/17 @12:30pm, Teardown – Sunday 10/31 @ 12:30pm.

     3. Presentation by Reed

          a. H/Os for the Fair

          b. Fair hours: M-Th. 4p – 10p, Fri, Sat. & Sun., 11a – 10p

          c. Sign-up sheet for run times at the fair.

          d. Bridge set at 40” high, 4-set screws.

          e. Shut-down by 9:45 each evening

    4. Presentation by Chuck – Yard operations

           a. Please keep extra items off of the yard and layout

          b. Loco Net cables installed to run both the layout and yard.

     5. Bill requests the approval to purchase 2-tables for member’s trains and related items to store

          a. Motion, 2nd & approved.

         b. Need drinks, condiments, chips & meat.

E. Club Welfare Our prayers are with Chip and Susan. We continue to lift up Steve, Donna, Rick Simmons & Reed Ostrander.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm



Submitted by:

Gerald Russo



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