Minutes of Business Meeting
I. The business meeting was called to order at
A. Officers attending:
President Charles Tucker, Vice-president Steve Grenot,
B. Members: Garrett
Allison, Jackie
C. Visitors: Sam and
II. Minutes of the previous meeting of
A. Corrections to
minutes: Revision to section 3 (online post)
B. The treasurer’s report
was presented by Treasurer Bill Little.
III. Announcements:
A. Next Meeting will be
B. Next run sessions will
be on November 11, 18, and 25. November 18th will be an operating
C. Thank you to Bill for
his hospitality!
D. Thank you to all who
made the ‘fair experience great!
E. This was the best
overall turnout in many years!
IV. Old Business
A. Repairs still need to
be made here on the club layout. See separate sheet.
B. Continue work on
preparing for Operating sessions - currently installing new turnouts. (Work is
C. Eight new 9” patch
tracks were installed on the show layout, with many more to go. Each set
D. Trailer tag on the old
trailer has expired. (Bill to follow-up)
V. New Business
A. Charles spoke with
Accurail about a 2025 PMRC HO car and had them price a three bay
Fest. I picked a car for reference but we can choose
whatever type we want…if we want to
B. Are there any other
new modules (besides Jesse’s) in the planning stage or under construction?
C. I have appointed Chuck
Mudford as Chief Electrical Officer and also appointed a Module
D. Motion to approve
Garrett Allison as new member, 2nd and approved.
E. Comments by President
F. Comments by any other
Suggestion to consider moving business meetings to another location due to an
3. Still having leveling issues related to show modules.
4. Also a track issue on red at the bridge.
VI. Club Welfare
We continue to lift up
Steve, Donna, Reed, and Rick Simmons’ family. We wish Dustin and his
Respectfully submitted:
Gerald W. Russo
Pensacola Model Railroad Club - HO Division