Minutes of BUSINESS Meeting
A. The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Charles Tucker.
1. Officers attending: President Charles, Vice-President Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Gerald Russo
2. Members attending were: Chip Borona, Bob Canavello, Jerry Dupont, Banks Edwards, Dustin Kelmer, Chuck Mudford, Reed Ostrander, Richard Simmons.
B. Minutes of the Previous meeting of 4 Oct 2021 were read by Secretary Gerald Russo.
1. Corrections to minutes: None
2. The minutes were moved, 2nd, and accepted.
3 The treasurer's reportwas presented by Treasurer Bill Little.
a. As of this date $1,292.66 in the Treasury.
1). The reports was moved, 2un and accepted as presented
C. Announcements
1. The next meeting will be at 6:30 pm at the club house on December 6, 2021
2. The next run session(s): 11/8, 11/15/, 11/22. & 11/29.
3. Thanks you Bill gfor his hospitality.
4. Railfest: December 4 and 5 with setup on December 3.
5. Thanks to all who helped make the Faira success. The layout works after nearly two years in storage.
D. Old Business
1. Work on finishing the new yard and powering the sidings on Green. Checking on turouts 14 and 16
2. Thanks to Gerald Dupont, Reed and Chuck for their tireless work on getting the roundhouse moodules working properly.
3. We are still waiting on the digital controller for turntable. We do not need the new turntable as the old one is now working.
E. New Business
1. Fair Critique:
a. Need a minimum of two people at all times at the display.
b. Need to select a Superintendent for Fair, nomination of Reed, 2nd and approved.
c. Yard - yellow out of yard, train stops at yellow main.
d. Bridge to corner, need to "widen" pin holes.
e. Crossove at bridge, short at red main.
f. Need to send old controllers to Digitrax for repair ($100 limit, motion, 2nd,& approval).
2. Need to schedule a time for the officers to attend banks business on the checking account.
3. Nominations for PMRC HO Div. Officers for 2022.
a. Recommendation that current officers return for 2022, (all agreed), additional nominations available at Dec. meeting for final vote.
b. Elections for 2022 officers will be at December 6th business meeting.
4. Comments by the President.
a. Recommendation to admit Ben Peters as a new club member, 2nd & approved.
b. Suggest next workday be 11/15. starting at 3 pm.
5. Comment from Vice-President
a. Good Fair show.
b. A get well to Chip and his wife.
c. Request the club to pay for half of the cost to repair his engine burnt out on the old layout (30+ volts) (Follow up discussion regarding possible costs, club liability, request on hold for further review and discussion.)
6. Comments by any other members.
a. Suggestion that club purchase a WI-FI module for train control using cell phone or tablet.
b. Request that personal trains and equipment not be left at the clubmouse for several days.
F. Club welfare
Our prayers are with Chip and Susan. We contineu to lift up Steve, Donna, Rick Simmons and Reed Ostrander.
Meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm.
Submitted by:
Gerald Russo