Minutes of Business Meeting
of May 6, 2024
I. The business meeting was called to order
at 6:30 PM by President Charles Tucker.
a. Officers attending: President Charles Tucker,
Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Gerald Russo.
Members attending: Bob Canavello, Banks Edwards,
Michael Eells, Chuck Mudford, Jesse Shealy, Mark Soltero.
II. Minutes of the previous meeting of 4/01/24 were read
by Secretary Gerald Russo.
a. Corrections to minutes: none. The minutes were moved
and accepted.
b The treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer
Bill Little. As of this date there is $3,836.50 in the treasury.
III. Announcements:
a. Next Meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on June 3, 2024
b. Next run session(s) May 13, 20, 27, 2024
c. Thank you to Bill for his hospitality!
d. Train Fest is May 18-19 with set up on Friday, May
17, 2024.
e. Please note: If you are the last one out… please
make sure that:
1. The layout power is
turned off and the controllers are covered;
2. The Air conditioning
is in the “away setting” (80 degrees);
4. The building is
locked, the key is placed where it belongs; and the gates are locked properly
(lock to lock)!
f. There will be an operating session tonight after the
IV. Old Business
a. Repairs need to be made to the club house layout.
(See separate sheet in clubhouse).
b. Continue work on preparing for Operating sessions- currently installing new turnouts. (Work is in progress.)
V. New Business
a. Proposal about PMRC cars from Accurail -see handout
1. Minimum order of 48
2. PS1 box car, dark
blue, yellow lettering
3. Cost approx. $21 ea., list for sale - $30 ea.
4. Motion to proceed, 2nd
& approved.
b. We need a list of volunteers for the Pensacola Show.
c. Proposal by Fair to move PMRC layouts to Bldg. #7.
Motion to let President to review and decide, 2nd & approval.
d. Comments from the President
e. Comments from the Vice President.
f. Comments by any other members. Request copies of
member list to be distributed to each member
VI. Club Welfare
We continue to lift up Steve, Donna, Gerald Dupont, his wife and Rick Simmons.
Meeting adjourned at 7:13pm
Respectfully submitted,
Gerald W. Russo
PMRC, HO Division