Business Meeting of

JanUARY 6, 2025


I.  The business meeting was called to order at 6::30 pm by President Charles Tucker.

     A. Officers present: President Charles Tucker, Vice-President Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little & Secretary Gerald Russo.

     B. Members Present: Opie Nemton, Bob Canavello, Jerry Dupont, Banks Edwards, Michael Ells, Chuck Mudford,Sean O’Brien, Reed Ostrander, Jessie Shealy, Mark Soltero.

     C. Visitors: Sam and Barbara Shilling.


II. Minutes of the previous meeting of December 2nd were re by Secretary Gerald Russo.

A.    Corrections to minutes: None. The minutes were moved and seconded.

B.     The treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer Bill Little. As of this date there is $4,414.25 in the treasury.


III. Announcements:

A.    The next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on February 3, 2025.

B.     Next run sessions will be on January 13, 20 & 27. January 20 will be an operating session beginning at 6:00 p.m.

C.     Thank you to Bill for his hospitality.

D.    The Mobile, AL Show is March 8-9 with set-up on Friday March 7.


IV. Old business

A.    Repairs need to be made on the club layout. (See separate sheet in club house!) Reconnect the roundhouse yard module to the main layout.

B.     Continue work on preparing for Operating sessions.

C.     Eight new patch tracks have been installed on the show modules with many more to go. Each set took nearly an hour to complete.

D.    The club has 20 of the 2024 cars yet to be claimed. Please claim and pay for them. Those not claimed can be sold at the Train Fest in April.


V. New business

     A. Update from Accurail. The price of the 2025 car will be $25.08 - $25.28 depending on how many we order. The price includes 3 added colors to be basic car color: blue, red or black. How many shall we order. Motion to order 48 ea, 2nd & approved.

     B. Should the club go to the Mobile Show?

          1. Motion 2nd and approved.

          2. Who is able to attend? (Need list) (10 members indicated attendance.)

     C. Comment from the Vice President

     D. Comments f other members.

          1. Work on show modules on  11 at Gerald Dupont’s house. Need ballast, replace 2 turnouts, rewire modules and fix module legs.

          2. Motion to spend up to $200.00 for repairs; 2nd and approved

          3. Current construction is being done on show donation box.


Vi. Club welfare

     We continue to lift up Steve Donna, Reed, Charle’s wife Sammie and Rick Simmons family.


Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Gerald W. Russo

PMRC HO Div Secretary


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