I. The business meeting was
called to order at 6:30 PM by President Charles Tucker.
Members attending: President Charles Tucker, Vice-president Steve Grenot,
Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Reed Ostrander. Members: Chip Borona, Howard
Cowgill, Jerry DuPont, Banks
Edwards, Dustin Kelmer, Andrew Keiderling, Chuck Mudford, Richard Simmons;
Visitors: Gerald Russo, Benjamin J. Kelmer
A. Announcements
1. The next run session(s) will be at 6:00 PM at the Clubhouse on January 13,
20, and 27, 2020. Grill on at 5:00 pm. Inform Bill if you intend to eat.
2. The next business meeting will be held at 6:30PM at the Clubhouse on February
3, 2020. Grill on at 5:30 pm.
Inform Bill if you intend to eat.
B. Minutes of the previous meeting of December 1, 2019 were read by Secretary
Reed Ostrander.
1. Banks moved acceptance
and was seconded by Steve.
a. The minutes were accepted as written.
C. The treasurer’s report was presented by Bill Little.
1. As of this date there is $1500.57 in the treasury.
a. Chip moved acceptance and
was seconded by Steve.
b. The report was accepted as presented.
D. Old Business
1. Thanks to the new officers for serving.
2. Chuck gave a report on the roundhouse status.
a. All turnouts but one are working properly.
b. The 4 leads to the turntable need drops.
1) Drops were installed at a later work session.
3. Next show will be in
Mobile at the Via Health Center on March 13 - 15.
4. New trailer needs were
E. New Business
1. Reed gave details of the Gulf Division 4 Mini Meet to be held in conjunction
with the Mobile show on Saturday, March 14.
a. Will include a tour of the APM Maersk docks and 4 clinics.
2. There will be two new members at the next business meeting.
a. Jerry Russo
b. Ben Kelmer
3. VP Steve Grenot made some suggestions regarding set up procedures:
a. Teams setting up a given module should also take it down.
1) That team should be familiar with methods used on that module for
b. Work with care - steady not fast.
c. Keep end boards with the model rather than putting them in trailer
during a show.
d. Record needed repairs.
4. Charles noted that we may need to rethink leg function and structure on all
5. The 2020 Train Fest will be December 4, 5 and 6.
6. Upcoming Club demos:
a. Chuck will do a lesson on programming engines in February.
b. Reed will do a ballasting demo in March.
7. Use graphite in tree storage and set-up holes.
8. Get non-operational track operational.
a. This includes the logging track, country service area, alcohol plant and
9. Would be a good idea to have a “squawk” sheet available at meetings, work
sessions and shows.
a Moved by Chip and seconded by Reed.
b. Motion passed.
F. The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 PM
Respectfully Submitted by
D. Reed Ostrander
Secretary PMRC HO Division