Minutes of Business Meeting

of December 4, 2023

I. The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Charles Tucker.

     A. Officers attending: President Charles Tucker, Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Gerald Russo.

      B. Members: Bob Canavello, Banks Edwards, Jason Godwin, Logan Godwin, Chuck Mudford, Reed Ostrander, Mark Saltero, Rick Simmons, Jesse Shealy, Bob Tribble


II. Minutes of the previous meeting of Nov. 6th were read by Secretary Gerald Russo.

      A. Corrections to minutes: none

           1. The minutes were moved and accepted.


III. The treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer Bill Little.

      A.  As of this date there is $1,318.79 in the treasury.


VI. Announcements:

      A. Next Meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. January 8, 2024

      B. Next run sessions: December 11 & 18, 2023

      C. Thank you to Bill for his hospitality!

      D. Mobile Show will be March 2-3 with set up on March 1, 2024.

           1. Motion to attend, 2nd & approved.


V. Old Business

      A. Repairs need to be made here in the club house. See separate sheet.

      B. Continue work on preparing for Operating sessions- currently installing new turnouts. (Work is in progress.)


VI. New Business

      A. Nominations for Club Officers, were made in November and elections tonight.

          1. Following individuals were elected as Club Officers for 2024

               a. President – Charles Tucker

               b. Vice President – Steve Grenot

               c. Treasurer – Bill Little

               d. Secretary – Gerald Russo

      B. Welcoming new members.

          1. Recommendation to accept Jason Godwin as a new member and Logan Godwin as a Jr. member.

               a. Moved, 2nd, and approved

     C. Report on progress on locations and cars to be delivered during the operating sessions. Jesse has been researching this.

         1. Rolling stock has been identified and locations labeled.

         2. Thanks to Jesse on his work on this project.


VII. Comments by President

     A. Need to set-up the round house yard and attach to layout.


VIII. Comments by any other members.

     A. Loco Net cables for the Roundhouse yard need to stay with the Roundhouse and not stored in the trailer.

     B. Tucker Trains will be carrying paints for trains.

     C. Ops training session on 12/18.


IX. Club Welfare

     A. Our prayers are with Jerry Russo on the loss of his wife of 55 years also concern for Jerry’s son. Peace be with you Jerry.

     B. We continue to lift up Steve, Donna, Rick Simmons, Reed Ostrander, Sue and Howard’s family.

Meeting adjourned at 7:02 pm