Minutes of the Business Meeting
December 6, 2016
The business meeting wacalled to order at 6:31 p.m. by Secretary Chip Borona.
Officers attending were Secretary Chip Borona and Treasurer Bill Little. Members attending were Howard Cowgill, Jerry Dupont, Sean O'Brien, Rick Simmons and Charles Tucker.
I. Reading of the Minutes
A. The minutes of last month's meeting were read by Chip.
1. The approval of the minutes, with corrections, was moved by Charles, seconded by Jerry and approved by the membership.
II. Treasurer's Report.
A. The Treasurer's report was read by to the club by Bill reporting that the current balance is $1,050.60.
1. The Club received $200 from the NATTC Children's Christmas Party.
2. The approval of the report was moved by Rick, seconded by CHarles and approved by the membership.
III. Announcements
A. The next Business Meeting will be held at 6:30 pm at Bill's Train Shed on Tuesday, January 3ed.
1. Members can arrive at 5:30 pm to grill and eat dinner, then stay after the meeting to run trains. Bill encourages all membres to use the gate on the side street and disabled members can use the gate at the front of the house.
B. The next Run Session will be held at 6:00 pm at Bill's Train Shed on December 20th.
1. Hot Dogs & Hamburgers & trimmings will be provided.
2. You can also bring your own food to grill, a covered dish or desert. There will be drinks, or BYOB.
3. Bill encourages all members to use the gate on the side street and RSVP so he can anticipate the headcount.
4. Disabled members can use the side gate at the front of the house.
C. It was reported that Reed was now at home from the step down unit, byt would like to step down as Presdient for 2017.
IV. Old Business
A. Voting for officers to serve in 2017.
1. President: Reed Ostrander
2. Vice President: Steve Grenot
3. Secretary: Chip Borona
4. Treasurer: Bill Little
B. Voting:
1. Charles made the motion to retain Reed as President. If Reed's recovery is such that he still wants to step down, the Club would accept his resignation and nominate a replacement.
a. Bill seconded and the motion was approved by the membership.
2. Charles made the motion to accept the remaining slate of officers for 2017.
a. Sean seconded and the motion was approved by the membership.
C. NATTC Christmas Party
1. Many thanks go to Sean, Charles, Banks, Bill and Bob Malcomson who made it a success.
D. PMRC Constitution revisions
1. On hold till 2017.
V. New Business
A. The club had nothing to report.
Jerry made the motion to end the meeting. It was seconded by Rich and approved by all present.
The meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Respectfully submitter by
Stephen "Chip" Borona
Secretary PMRC HO Division