Minutes of BUSINESS Meeting
August 8, 2021
Pre-meeting discussion:
1. Dothan Show: 8-yes, need someone to drive trailer back on
2. Reed & Chuck working on the Roundhouse – 90% done
3. Octo’s: two on the yard, one is bad, need 1-octo or two
quads. Option to put octo-quad on the fascia by the controls, will give access
to the switches for the quads.
o By motion, & second, the
pre-meeting discussion notes were to be included in the formal meeting minutes.
A The business meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM by President Charles
Members attending: President Charles Tucker,
Vice-president Steve Grenot, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Gerald Russo.
Members: Chip Borona, Bob Canavello, Banks Edwards, Jerry Dupont, Dustin Kelmer,
Chuck Mudford, Reed Ostrander, Richard Simmons, Bob Tribble
B. Minutes of the previous meeting of July 12th were read
by Secretary Gerald Russo.
1. Corrections to minutes:
a. Jerry Dupont’s
name was added to members present on 7/12
b. Indication that
annual audit of the Chapter’s books was moved, 2nd and approved.
2. The minutes were moved and accepted.
3. The treasurer’s report was presented by
Treasurer Bill Little.
a. As of this date there
is $1,925 in the treasury.
1). $282.89 for turnouts.
2). $100 to Banks for WEB
3) $12 to Reed for supplies.
c. The report was moved,
seconded and accepted as presented.
C Old Business.
1. Continued work on Engine
Facility, fix a few track ends on some of the straight modules.
a. Report on Engine servicing
1). Basically
the module runs.
2). Probably
a number of other things!
b. We have a work list of
repairs that need to be made to the modules.
c. Schedule work days. Next
work day is 8/9 @ 3pm.
d. Thanks to Gerald Dupont,
Reed and Chuck for their trouble shooting on the modules club layout and yard.
e. We are still waiting for the
digital controller for the new turntable. Need to check if the current
turntable’s bridge works.
D. New business
1. We need commitments to
the Dothan Show tonight if possible! (See earlier discussion)
2. We have received the rest of the order of turnouts
so they may be installed.
3. The track in the new yard has been laid and is
awaiting the new power drops and the ballasting of the track. The tracks are all
operational. Need to take the wobble out of the far spur.
4. Need to schedule a time for the officers to attend
to bank business on the checking account.
5. Need to interface Reed’s module with the Lumber
6. Repairs need to be made on the roundhouse and
decisions made about the installation of the new turntable. Some have already
been done. We are still waiting for the DCC controller from Walthers.
7. Need the same space requirements for Rail Fest (20’
X 28’)
8. There is a list of work orders on the clipboard.
Please use the clip board to keep us up to date as work is done.
9. Comments by President
a. Tucker’s open house, (8/14) Charles will bring his 4X8 layout, Russo to bring pop-up tent.
10. Comments by any other members.
a. Jerry recommended the club purchase some Wago connectors, moved, 2nd & approved
b. Jerry will train on show electronics set-up at next business meeting, needs a whiteboard, (Russo will provide one)
General question – Is there a need to label the individual show modules?
E. Club Welfare
Our prayers are with Chip and Susan. We continue to lift up Steve, Donna, Rick
Simmons, and Reed Ostrander.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm
Resptfully submitted;
Gerald Russo