Minutes of Business Meeting of
March 1, 2021
A. The business meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Charles Tucker 1. Club officers president were: President Charles Tucker, Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Gerald Russo. 2. Members attending were: Chip Borona, Bob Canavello, Banks Edwards, Andy Keriderling, Dustin Kelmer, Charles Mudford, Sean O'Brien, Reed Ostrander and Bob Tribble. B. Minutes of the previous meeting of Feb. 1, 2021 were read by Secretary Gerald Russo. 1. Correction to the minutes: None 2. The minutes were moved and accepted. 3. The treasurer's report was presented by Treasurer Bill Little a. As of this date there is $2647.22 in the treasury. b. There are still some charges outstanding. c. There is still $1500 being reserved for a new trailer d. the report was moved, seconded and accepted as presented.
C. Old Business 1. Continued work on the Engine Facility, fix a few track ends on some of the straight modules. 2. Report on the Engine servicing facility: a. Basically the module runs. b. There are about 3 turnout machines that need adjustment. (Completed) c. The turnout on the north end leading to the engine facility need a throw mechanism and a short circuit fixed. (Completed) d. Tracking leading away from turnout #15 towards the roundhouse has no power. e. Add a track and some width on the bridge to allow access to the Yellow main. (Partial - Bridge width done, waiting for trackwork to complete.) f. Add a short section of track in front of the station on the south end. g. Add 2nd lead turnout at bridge. h. 9" tracks on yard must be connected with right side to match track polarity. i. Red wire on the right side. ii. Place jumper wire in the "slot" in order to eliminate "hump" in the track. (Done) i. Probably a number of other things. 3. We need a list of repairs that need to be made on the modules. 4. Need to schedule work days and assign a “work superintendent. D. New Business 1. Need to re-drill Reed's modules to match center one. 2. List of needed repairs on the clipboard 3. Comments by President: a. Need to designate some of the tasks to individual(s) with necessary skills b. Schedules work days: i. Sunday (3/7) at 2pm (Canceled) ii. Monday (3/8) at 2:30 pm iii. Tallahassee Model Train Show on June 26th and 27th 4. Comments by other members i. Pleases recycle cans & plastics in the grey ECUA recycle cans ii. Chip will build a pictorial guide on DCC controller for yard operations. iii. Reed, Superintendent of NMRA SE-Region 4, will have ZOOM meeting workshops on 3/2. Will follow up with an e-mail containg the WEB link. iv. Special presentation by Chip on the history of railroading in Pensacola. E. Club welfare Our prayers are with Chip in his continued recover. We continue to lift up Steve and Donna, Bob Tribble, Sean O'Brien and his family (covid) Rick Simmons and Reed. He meeting was adjourned at 7:28pm Submitted by, Gerald Russo Secretary