B. Make new stanchions and repair some others. We will need PVC, glue, blue paint and concrete.
C. Finish the farm module (need 1" blue foam.)
D. The trailer need some maintenance: left fender lights and bearings greased.
V. New business.
A. We need to schedule time to accomplish our present work list.
B. We need to begin wrk on planning for Operating sessions.
1. This will entail much careful work;
a. Figuring the location of industries,
b. What kind of cars needed.
c. Which cars,
d. Making cards for each car used.
2. We will need expert advice as we go!
C. Chuck explained the changes in out electrical system. We need to be careful to never switch the power supply to large scale. It must stay on HO so as not to get a high voltage!
1. System changes:
a. Main1 yard has been isolated.
b. A toggle switch has been added (up=DC, down=DCC, center=OFF).
c. A DC throttle has been added.
D. Reed provided information related to operational sessions.
1. Operations are similar to real railroads
a. Cars have destinations.
b. Need to label tracks. Yard Main1 numbers 1 to 5.
c. Destinations (north or south).
d. Switching at industry or yards and industry or town locations.
E. Comments by President
1. Need to schedule a work day (May 16).
F. Comments and suggestion from the Vice-President
G. Comments by any other members.
VI. Club welfare: Our parayers are with Chip and Susan. We continue to lift up Steve, Donna, Rick & Reed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM.
Respectfully sumitted,
Gerald Russo
Secretary, PRMC - HO Div.