Agenda Business Meeting of June 8, 2017



I. Minutes of the previous meeting


II. Treasurer’s report


III. Announcements

        A. Next meeting

1. The next business meeting will be at 6:30 PM at Bill’s train shed July 4, 2017.

        B. Next run session(s)

1. June 13?

                2. June 20?

                3. June 27?

        C. Other


IV. Old business

        A. Set up for Big Bend (Tallahassee) train show

1. Layout coordinator - Reed Ostrander

                2. Load master - Bill Little

3. Attendees - Reed, Bill, Chip, Jerry, Rick, Howard, Andy, (Darl?)

                4. Where to stay?

                        a. North Tallahassee Fairfield Merriott motel.

                                1) 1 850 562-8766

B. Roundhouse modules

                1. Operation of diesel house module - connect plugs

                2. Continue ballast, cinders, grass and shrubs

                3. Install roundtable controls

                4. Buildings on roundhouse mods - status

                        a. Diesel shop

                        b. Diesel service ramps

                        c. Roundhouse

                        d. Car repair

                        e. Coaling tower

                        f. Sand house

                        g. Ash lift

                        h. Water tank

                                1) water cranes - 4

        C. Remaining shows

                1. Dothan - September 16 & 17; set up 15th

                2. Flomaton - September 23 (will pay $200); set up 22

                3. Interstate Fair - October 15-29

                4. Haji Show - December 2 - 3; set up 1

                5. NAS Children’s Christmas show ?

D. Will have a run session on roundhouse modules in July to make sure everything works and everyone has some practice running it.

        E. Status of yard modules - Jerry


V. New Business

A. I may be out of service in July if I have surgery - more later

        B. Other


VI. Club Welfare


Reed Ostrander


Pensacola Model Railroad Club

HO Division