minutes of business meeting

13 Sept 2021


A. The business meeting was called to order at 6:27 p.m. by Vice President Steve Grenot.

Members attending: Treasurer Bill Little, Secretary Gerald Russo, Chip Borona, Bob Canavello, Jerry Dupont, Banks Edwards, Dustin Kelmer, Chuck Mudford, Sean O’Brien, Reed Ostrander, Richard Simmons, Bob Tribble

B. Minutes of the previous meeting of Aug. 8th were read by Secretary Gerald Russo.
     1. Corrections to minutes:
          a. Discussion items were voted to be included into the formal meeting minutes.
          b. Reed’s name was added and Banks name was deleted in the Treasure’s expense report.
          c. The minutes were moved, seconded and accepted.
     2. The treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer Bill Little.
          a. As of this date there is $1,783.13 in the treasury with current expenditures of $73, $25, $17, & $5.
          b. The report was moved, seconded and accepted as presented.

C. Old Business

      1. Announcements:
         a. Dothan Train Show has been postponed until December.
         b. Next Meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. at the club house on Monday, October 4, 2021.
         c. Next run-session(s): September 20 & 27.
         d. Usual work days are on Wednesdays starting between 2 & 3p.m. Be advised that toilet facilities won’t be available until after 4:30.
         e. A perpetual thank you to Bill for his hospitality!

D. New Business
     1. Gerry DuPont will take us through how to set up the layout. Please pay careful attention. (During the demonstration 4-handouts were provided)
     2. We need to decide whether we will go to Dothan in December so we can let Dothan know. (Decision by the members to not attend, PMRC N-scale group will not be attending also)
     3. Schedule training session for Engine facility. (Presented by Reed & Chuck, note: set bridge to 0005 on the Zephyr to activate/move)

      4. Need a coordinator for the Fair & Railfest, Russo nominated Reed, he accepted.

      5. Tucker wants a full setup of the display on Sunday 10/17.

E. Club Welfare Our prayers are with Chip in his continued recovery also with Donna and Susan.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm


Submitted by:

Gerald Russo
